To Marry A Farmer








   Marrying into a family of farmers can be just as rewarding as it is challenging. You're not only marrying a farmer, but, you are also marrying the farm. Whether you are coming from the "big city" lifestyle or simple country life, living of a farm can be an entirely new world to someone who is unfamiliar with this way of living.

   One of the things you must realize about marrying a farmer, is that it is a very demanding job. From caring for livestock and crops, to maintaining a home and a family, it cannot be done alone, but can be done with the support of a hard-working and loving family.

   Marrying into a farm means you have to be willing to get dirty every now and then. When it's time to plant and harvest, it takes all hands available. Sometimes, things may not go as planned. Other times, things are not even planned. However, most of the time, things are always an adventure.

   You help animals give birth in the middle of the night and it's beautiful. You sit down and eat a warm, home-cooked meal from the crops you have put your entire heart into. You raise your family in this life, teaching them respect, discipline, and many more responsibilities. It brings people together over the dinner table sharing stories all about the day they have had. You don't have time to sit in front of the T.V. and miss out on your loved ones lives. 

   Farming creates a bond between people that could never be broken. You become a hero. Not the kind with a cape, but the kind carrying a tray of ice-cold sweet tea out to the fields. The kind that can calm down that horse that is in pain with just the touch of a hand and the gentleness of your voice. The kind that everyone is able to depend on.

   It may be dirty, hectic, and chaotic sometimes. But, overall, it is an adventure that you get to take every day of your life with the one you love most in this world. That is something so special.

   You get to create your own perfect little corner of the world, built on love and laughter. At the end of the day, you will feel nothing but pure joy and thankfulness that you have chosen this lifestyle over any other one. Let AgriLegacy help you out along the way with any questions you may have about keeping the farm in the family, and keeping your family together throughout all trials and tribulations that may come. ∆

   AgriLegacy, “Keeping the Farm in the Family”,

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