Drone Fungicide Applications In Corn



   Foliar fungicides are commonly applied to corn to manage foliar diseases, such as gray leaf spot. The most effective and beneficial time to make these applications is at tasseling/ early silking. 

   Because of the height of corn at this growth stage, fungicides are typically applied with fixed wing or helicopter aircraft. However, aerial fungicide applications are not an option in many Kentucky fields because of their small size and nearby obstacles to aircraft. 

   Specifically designed drones can potentially be used to apply fungicide in fields that are not accessible to other aircraft.

   This new publication describes experiments to determine if drone fungicide applications can reduce foliar diseases in corn. It also discusses factors to consider when using drone technology to apply fungicides.

   Drone Fungicide Applications in Corn (PPFS-AG-C-11) is available online. ∆

   CHERYL KAISER: Plant Pathology Extension Support, University of Kentucky

   DR. KIERSTEN WISE: Plant Pathology Extension Specialist, University of Kentucky



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