Long-Duration Switch Left His Stockers Heavier

Tennessee Producer Sees Performance Results That Studies Show Could Be Expected

   Vince Ogle puts an exact number on the difference he saw when switching to a long-duration implant at his stocker operation in southern Tennessee – 20 pounds more per head.
   The first year he trialed Synovex® One Grass at Ogle Farm, he turned to the 200-day implant after typically using a conventional implant, Revalor®-G. The difference for Synovex One Grass came from feeding his cattle on the same pasture used the previous year. Now, Ogle said he uses Synovex One Grass, labeled for steers and heifers, on every animal under 475 pounds that comes through – about 5,500 head this past year.
“Implants work,” Ogle said. “With the long-duration implant, I’m getting twice as many days of implant performance compared to my other implant. It’s a tool that can make you extra money; it’s worth using.”
   Studies echo customer’s observation
   Studies across the nation’s cattle country have shown similar advantages for Synovex One Grass. One conducted in Oklahoma demonstrated a 20-pound advantage per head on steers implanted with Synovex One Grass compared with cattle that received Revalor-G or Encore®.1
   Those results were not isolated. In California, steers implanted with Synovex One Grass grazing native grass for 192 days demonstrated an 11-pound advantage over steers receiving Revalor-G.2 A third study, researching steers grazed on Oklahoma wheat pasture for 212 days, revealed a 15-pound average gain for the group implanted with Synovex One Grass.3
   “We now have study results that demonstrate a long-duration implant provides a performance benefit across multiple forage types and in a variety of regions of the country,” said Gary Sides, PhD, cattle nutritionist, Cattle Strategic Technical Services, Zoetis. “Our data from three separate studies supports the performance opportunity – and ultimately added profit – long-duration implants can provide.” 
   Benefits beyond the weight gain
   Ogle likes to straighten his cattle out upfront. He receives all types of cattle throughout the year, and then keeps them up close for about a month to set them up right before sending them out for a long grazing season.
   The switch from a conventional implant to the 200-day implant for Synovex One Grass provided management flexibility. As he put it, “getting those extra days” for other tasks and reducing potential stress on his cattle, along with the added pounds gained, makes all the difference.
   “I try to avoid moving animals around and running them back through the chute to avoid stress and shrink,” Ogle said. “If you figure dollars to dollars, you’ll see that it’s worth it when it comes to implanting.”
   Discover the difference products for Synovex make for producers at NoStressSynovex.com.
   Do not use SYNOVEX products in veal calves. Refer to label for complete directions for use, precautions, and warnings.
   About Zoetis
   Zoetis is the leading animal health company, dedicated to supporting its customers and their businesses. Building on more than 65 years of experience in animal health, Zoetis discovers, develops, manufactures and commercializes medicines, vaccines and diagnostic products, which are complemented by biodevices, genetic tests and precision livestock farming. Zoetis serves veterinarians, livestock producers and people who raise and care for farm and companion animals with sales of its products in more than 100 countries. In 2019, the company generated annual revenue of $6.3 billion with approximately 10,600 employees. For more information, visit www.zoetisus.com . ∆
1 Data on file, Study Report No. 16CARGFA01, Zoetis Inc.
2 Data on file, Study Report No. 18CPTIMP-01-01, Zoetis Inc. 
3 Data on file, Study Report No. 17CRGIMP-01-02, Zoetis Inc.          ∆
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