Livestock Reports

Patton Junction Livestock Auction
NOVEMBER 2, 2019 • Patton, Mo.
Receipts: 481   Week Ago: 518       Last Year: 0

   Compared to last week, steers and heifers sold steady to $6.00 higher. Slaughter cows sold steady and bulls not tested; Demand good and supply light. Supply included: 88 percent Feeder Cattle (59 percent Steers, 41 percent Heifers); 9 percent Slaughter Cattle (100 percent Cows); 4 percent Replacement Cattle (80 percent Bred Cows, 20 percent Cow-Calf Pairs). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 19 percent.
   FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large 1: 260 $141.00; 331 $156.00-162.00; 371 $145.50-150.00; 428 $152.00-161.00; 481 $133.50-142.50; 534 $123.50-142.00; 562 $123.00-127.50; 630 $130.00-135.00; 666 $121.50-123.50; 730 $123.00-126.50; 825 $121.00-126.00; 863 $118.00-120.50.
   FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1: 330 $120.00-135.00; 370 $120.00; 419 $145.00-160.00; 467 $130.00-140.00; 523 $120.00-150.00; 564 $116.00-122.00; 620 $121.00; 665 $103.00-118.00; 735 $105.00.
   SLAUGHTER COWS: Breaking 75-80 Percent Lean, $53.00, High Dressing $52.00-62.50; Boning 80-85 Percent Lean, $38.50-45.00, High Dressing, $46.00-60.00; Lean, 85-90 Percent Lean, $28.00-38.00.
   REPLACEMENT COWS: BRED COWS – Medium and Large 2: 1060 $385.00-750.00; 1065 $855.00-960.00. Medium 2: 885 $585.00; 965 $325.00.
   COW-CALF PAIRS: Medium and Large 2 w/ <150 lbs calf 955 $945.00. Medium 2 w/ <150 lbs calf 925 $800.00. ∆

SEMO Livestock Sales LLC
DECEMBER 3, 2019 • Fruitland, Mo.
Receipts: 1416; Last Week: 335; Year Ago: 774

   Over ½ of the run of feeders today were Vac program weaned preconditioned cattle. These Were in high demand $2-5 higher rest of the offering $1-4 lower
   4 Hfrs ave 325lbs @ $146.00cwt 
   10 Hfrs ave 416lbs @ $143.00cwt 
   5 Hfrs ave 529lbs @ $135.00cwt
   73 Hfrs ave 697lbs @ $136.00cwt 
   11 Hfrs ave 718lbs @ $134.00cwt 
   2 Strs ave 525lbs @ $154.00cwt
   8 Strs ave 709lbs @ $142.50cwt
   FEEDER STEERS: 200-299 lbs $148-160; 300-399 lbs $146-171; 400-499 lbs $139-168; 500-599 lbs $134-154; 600-699 lbs $136-147; 700-799 lbs $134-142.50.
   FEEDER HEIFERS: 200-299 lbs $125-140; 300-399 lbs $127-146; 400-499 lbs $121-137; 500-599 lbs $125-135; 600-699 lbs $130-136; 700-799 lbs $126-134; 800-899 lbs $115-125.
   SLAUGHTER COWS: Boning 80-85 Percent Lean, $45-51, High Dressing $52-63; Lean 85-90 Percent Lean, $38-44, High Dressing $45-49; Low Dressing $28-37.
   BABY CALVES: Holstein $10; Beef $160
   SLAUGHTER BULLS: High Yield $75-84; Low Yielding $65-60.
   COWS SOLD: 126
   BULLS SOLD: 14  ∆

Farmington Regional Stockyards
DECEMBER 4, 2019 • Farmington, Mo.
Receipts: 2390; Last Week: 1089; Year Ago: 0

   Compared to two weeks ago steers sold steady to $5.00 higher, and heifers sold steady to $2.00 higher on limited comparisons. The supply of feeders was heavy as FRS held a special customer appreciation pre-vac sale in conjunction with the normal weekly auction. Just over half the feeders offered were part of a FRS health program or one of several others and were weaned with one or two rounds of shots. Demand was good and as usual feeders that were long weaned with two rounds gathered the most attention. The barn was near standing room only with trucks and trailers lined out the parking long and down the road well into the auction, attendance remained very good long after the free lunch was over and in to the late hours of the night prices held well though out the auction with some of the highs being found well after dark. There was near 200 head of slaughter cows however due to the heavy supply of feeders that market was not reported this week. Supply included: 100 percent Feeder Cattle (53 percent Steers, 42 percent Heifers, 5 percent Bulls). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 29 percent.
   FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large 1: 385 $151.00-164.00; 419 $150.00-169.00; 474 $146.00-167.00; 525 $147.00-160.00; 578 $144.00-158.00; 615 $144.00-149.00; 668 $139.50-148.00; 729 $139.50-146.00; 757 $136.00-141.00; 808 $132.50-135.00.
   FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1: 430 $131.00-135.00; 484 $127.00-135.00; 526 $123.50-133.00; 577 $122.00-131.00; 629 $119.00-134.00; 661 $120.00-129.50; 718 $118.00-128.50; 753 $116.50-122.00.
   FEEDER BULLS: Medium and Large 1: 362 $170.00; 418 $147.00-160.00; 476 $145.00-151.00; 514 $142.00-143.00. ∆
MidAmerica Farm Publications, Inc
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