Soybean Cyst Nematode: A Potential Problem For Nurseries


   Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is a serious disease pest of soybean in Kentucky. However, SCN also creates problems for field production nurseries when soils in ball-and-burlapped plants contain this nematode. Some states will not allow nursery stock to be imported without proof that the nursery stock comes from SCN-free counties. Other states assume that the blanket statement “free from all pests” includes SCN.  Thus, nursery operators in Kentucky counties where SCN is present have to deal with zero tolerance requirements when shipping into both quarantined and currently un-infested areas.
   This fact sheet discusses the soybean cyst nematode pathogen, infestation implications for nurseries, how to sample soil before establishing a field-grown nursery, screening already planted stock, and management recommendations for established nursery operations.
   For additional publications on plant diseases, visit the UK Plant Pathology Extension Publications webpage. ∆
   CHERYL KAISER: Extension Plant Pathology Support, University of Kentucky
   NICOLE W. GAUTHIER: Extension Plant Pathologist, University of Kentucky

Soybean Cyst Nematode: A Potential Problem for Nurseries (ID-110) is available online.

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