LSU AgCenter Schedules Nov. 13 Meeting On Industrial Hemp
The LSU AgCenter will hold a meeting Nov. 13 to provide information on industrial hemp. The full-day event will take place at the State Evacuation Shelter on U.S. Highway 71 south of Alexandria. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
The event will feature presentations by hemp researchers, producers and processors from other states as well as AgCenter and Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry personnel. State Rep. Clay Schexnayder, who authored the bill that paved the way for industrial hemp legalization in Louisiana, also will speak.
Louisiana did not participate in the industrial hemp pilot project program authorized by the 2014 farm bill. Therefore, no legal production can occur in the state at this time.
It is anticipated that Louisiana’s state plan and federal regulations will be in place to accommodate the 2020 planting season.
Those interested in attending the meeting must register and pay a $25 fee in advance. For a $150 fee, vendors can sign up for an exhibit table.
Information on how to register is available at
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