UK KATS Hosted Workshop Sept. 26

 UK weeds scientist Travis Legleiter shows how nozzle design and pressure influences droplet size at a previous school.
 Photo by Katie Pratt, UK agricultural communications.


  The Kentucky Agricultural Training School hosted its last workshop of the 2019 growing season from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. CDT on Sept. 26 at the University of Kentucky Research and Education Center in Princeton.
   The daylong, hands-on clinic was ideal for corn and soybean producers and crop consultants and was part of the UK Grain and Forage Center of Excellence’s mission to provide producers with real-time educational information at critical times during the growing season.
   UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment specialists discussed early fall agronomic activities and post-harvest considerations. Topics include dtransitioning to post-harvest management, herbicide carryover into cover crops and wheat, assessing soil nutrient status for wheat following corn, using fall cover crops for grazing and conserved forages, and identification and management of insects in stored grain.
   Workshop organizers have applied for continuing education units for pesticide applications and certified crop advisers. The UKREC Farm is located at 1205 Hopkinsville Street in Princeton.
   The schools are funded in part by the Kentucky Small Grain Growers Association and a state integrated pest management grant from the U.S Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture. ∆
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