MU Extension Specialists Collecting Price Data From Farmers Markets

   University of Missouri Extension will collect pricing information at farmers markets in Missouri this summer and fall.
   MU Extension specialists are visiting farmers markets across the state from now to October, says Darla Campbell, MU Extension county engagement specialist in agricultural business.
   Campbell says the information helps vendors, consumers and beginning farmers determine accurate prices for food items in their region.
   MU Extension has teamed up with the Missouri Department of Agriculture over the past three summers to collect data from more than 60 farmers markets.
   Campbell says the information gives consumers price ranges for food products. It also helps farmers make decisions about what to grow based on demand and income potential.
   Prices are collected at farmers markets and submitted online to the Missouri Department of Agriculture within a week of collection to keep prices timely and relevant. The public can access the prices on the department’s Farmers Market Report website at
   MU Extension specialists working on the project include Campbell, Debi Kelly, Kelly McGowan, Katie Kammler, Cory Creed and Ramon Arancibia. ∆
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