Top Bean Soybean Yield Contest On Go For 2019


   In 2019, Tennessee soybean producers will have an opportunity to compete for awards as well as bragging rights in a new soybean yield contest, coordinated by the University of Tennessee Extension and supported by Tennessee checkoff funds. The purpose of the ‘Top Bean’ yield contest is to recognize high-yield producers, and to identify sound production practices utilized by these outstanding producers to increase soybean profitability for all growers.
   • Producers may enter once in the Irrigated and Non-irrigated production contests with first and second place winners at each of the five (5) district levels and an overall ‘Top Bean’ Irrigated and Non-irrigated winner at the state level.
   • Contest field must be at least 10 acres in size and located in Tennessee, with three (3) acre minimum harvest area to calculate yield.
   • Interested producers should work with their local county Extension agent to return a completed contest entry form by Aug 1st and completed contest paperwork by Dec 1st.
   • There are no limitations on legal management practices, and producers will be asked to share their inputs as part of the completed contest paperwork.
   • A contest entry form is available at your local Extension office and online. More complete contest rules may be found at
http://ut ∆
   DR. ANGELA MCCLURE: Extension Corn and Soybean Specialist, University of Tennessee
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