USRPA Names New Coordinator For Mo. Rice Council

 Dwight Roberts, President and CEO of US Rice Producers Association, recently introduced 
 the new Missouri Rice Research and Merchandising Council’s Coordinator for Delta Producer
 Relations, Laura Tucker. She will focus on marketing the new medium grain variety MM17.

 Photo by John LaRose, Jr.

MidAmerica Farmer Grower

   The US Rice Producers Association (USRPA) has hired a new Coordinator of Delta Producer Relations to support the interests of rice farmers throughout the northern delta. Joining the organization in January was Laura Tucker, a Missouri resident, will focus on a number of programs, both domestic and international marketing efforts. These efforts include promotional activity for the new medium grain variety, MM17 that was developed by the Missouri Rice Research and Merchandising Council (MRRMC) farm.
   She also will work on state and federal legislation issues as they affect farmers in the delta and gulf coast. Laura's work will concentrate primarily on behalf of the MRRMC and the Arkansas Rice Growers Association
   “I like the job very much,” she said, adding that she’s presently progressing through the learning curve. “There’s challenges ahead and opportunities too and I’m excited about that.”
   Tucker previously served as Global Product Manager for the third-party inspection company, Intertek, where she also did marketing and promotions. Prior to that she was employed by Missouri Department of Agriculture, marketing for its International Business Development division. “Delta rice farmers are fortunate to have Laura’s experience and knowledge of agriculture working on their behalf. She will be a real asset to the domestic and international marketing efforts of the USRPA,” said Dwight Roberts, President & CEO of the US Rice Producers Association in Houston, Texas. ∆
   BETTY VALLE GEGG-NAEGER: Senior Staff Writer, MidAmerica Farmer Grower

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