Registration Open For 2018 Illinois Farm Economics Summit

   The University of Illinois farmdoc team is scheduled to present the 2018 Illinois Farm Economics Summit at five locations across the state during the week of December 17, 2018. In our part of the state, they will be offering the program at the I-Hotel IN Champaign, IL on Friday, December 21st.
   Members of the farmdoc team at the University of Illinois Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, and the University of Illinois Extension will discuss the current and future outlook for crop and livestock prices, farm profitability outlook and management challenges, the next farm bill, long-term trends in grain prices, and prospects for farmland values. The program will begin at 7:45 to 8:15 a.m. with registration and coffee, followed by an overview of the program and will finish with lunch that is included as part of the registration fee. The first presentation of the day will be “Agricultural Commodity Price Outlook for 2019”
   Other topics to be presented at the summit include:
   • 2019 Crop Return Outlook: Trade Disputes Leading to Lower Returns
   • Management and Conservation in the Face of Lower Returns
   • A Farm Bill Review and an Attempt to Look Ahead
   • A New, New Era in Grain Prices?
   • Farmland Values: Headwinds, Tailwinds, and Long- Term Prospects
   The cost of registration is $85 that includes lunch and handout materials. However, you can save $5 by registering online at . Registration will be accepted at the door on December 21, but only if space remains available and the cost increases to $90 per person.
   If you cannot attend the summit on December 21, but you have questions or concerns about the volatile economic environment we are dealing with today, you may want to consider attending one of the other four farm economic summit locations in Illinois. Learn what the prospect for a recovery in grain prices might be, or if cash rents should be lower? The University of Illinois Extension and members of the farmdoc team from the Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics will help you explore strategies that can be used to weather the current tough times.
   The format of the summit is promised to be fast-paced with time scheduled for questions at the conclusion of the presentations. If you have questions about the 2018 Illinois Farm Economics Summit, contact Nancy Simpson at 217-244-9687 or email . ∆
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