Tenn. Meetings Set

   September 28, 2018: The Fayette County Extension Office will be hosting a Cotton Field Day. This meeting will be held on Winfrey Rd. behind Oak Grove Gin between Hwy 222 and Hwy 59 in Somerville, TN 38068 starting at 8:00 a.m. Dr. Tyson Raper, Cotton Specialist with The University of Tennessee will walk participants through the different varieties and discuss other cotton information. Dr. Scott Stewart, Entomologist with The University of Tennessee  will discuss bollworms and other insects and Dr. Heather Kelly, Plant Pathologist with The University of Tennessee will discuss cotton leaf spots. For more information, contact Jeff Via at (901) 465-5233/jvia@utk.edu.
   October 29, 2018: The Fayette County Extension Office will be hosting a meeting to discuss Changes to the Seed Cotton Program. This meeting will be held in the Oak Rm at Trustmark Bank-16790 Hwy 64 at the corner of South Main and Hwy 64 Somerville, TN 38068 starting at 6:00 p.m. Dr. Aaron Smith, Crop Marketing Specialist with The University of Tennessee will discuss how to allocate generic acres before the December deadline. A meal will be provided. For more information, contact Jeff Via at (901) 465-5233/jvia@utk.edu. ∆
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