KADB Invests In On-Farm Water Mgmt. Program

   The Kentucky Agricultural Development Board (KADB) allocated $1,000,000 to establish the On-Farm Water Management Program at its March 2018 board meeting. The program will promote water resilience on farms by funding projects in conjunction with the Energy and Environment Cabinet.
   “The Energy and Environment Cabinet, through the Water Resources Board, is helping the agriculture community to improve the availability and use of water for irrigation and livestock. These efforts are intended to reduce both the producers’ costs as well as reduce susceptibility to droughts,” Charles Snavely, Secretary of the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet, said.
   The On-Farm Water Management Program consists of two program categories. The Research, Development and Demonstration (RDD) is for water management practices on public regional farms. The Practical Implementation Project (PIP) is for private farms that wish to implement best management practices for water management. Both programs are required to have public, educational tours to highlight practices for harvesting, storing and redistributing water.
   The On-Farm Water Management Program aims to promote innovation in on-farm water management, increase on-farm water availability and farm profitability, institutionalize practices into traditional funding programs and normalize innovative practices. The program shall look to coordinate efforts with individuals and entities interested in the long-term science and planning of water resources.
   For more information about the program, contact Bill McCloskey, deputy executive director, at (502) 782-1766, or Dale Booth, Kentucky Water Resources Board Technical Advisory Group member, at (502) 782-6895. ∆
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