Livestock Reports

Patton Junction Livestock Auction
JANUARY 15, 2018 • Patton, Mo.
Receipts: 338   Week Ago: 697       Last Year: 869

   Due to the weather, not enough feeders for a trend comparison, however undertones were lower. Slaughter cows and bulls not tested; Demand lower and supply light. Cows made up approximately 9 percent of the run, 91 percent feeders. Steers made up approximately 41 percent of the offering, 45 percent heifers with 14 percent feeder bulls. Offerings over 600 lbs totaled around 33 percent.
   FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large 1: few 250-275 lbs $190.00-203.00; few 300-400 lbs $186.00-207.00; 400-500 lbs $168.00-178.00; 500-600 lbs $142.00-169.00; 600-700 lbs $136.00-145.50. Medium and Large 1-2: few 350-400 lbs $166.00-175.00; few 700-775 lbs $124.00-131.00.
   FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1: pkg 255 lbs $157.00; 350-400 lbs $145.00-160.00; 400-500 lbs $132.00-152.00; 500-600 lbs $125.00-132.00; few 800-900 lbs $120.00-125.00. Medium and Large 1-2: few 450-500 lbs $125.00-139.00; few 500-600 lbs $125.00-129.00; few 600-650 lbs $122.00-126.00.
   FEEDER BULLS: Medium and Large 1: 400-500 lbs $166.00-178.00; few 500-600 lbs $135.00-156.00; few 650-700 lbs $124.00-127.00; pkg 768 lbs $124.00; pkg 815 lbs $120.00. Medium and Large 1-2: few 500-550 lbs $130.00-146.00.
   SLAUGHTER COWS: Breaking 75-80 Percent Lean, few $48.00-52.50; Boning 80-85 Percent Lean, few $42.50-56.00; Lean, 85-90 Percent Lean, few $42.50-45.00.
   SLAUGHTER BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2: Scarce.
   STOCKER COWS:  Scarce.
   REPLACEMENT COWS: Medium and Large 2: few 5 yrs old to short and solid mouth, 875-1635 lbs, 2nd and 3rd stage, $680.00-900.00 per head.
   COW-CALF PAIRS: Medium and Large 1-2: Scarce. ∆

Eastern Missouri Livestock Auction
JANUARY 19, 2018 • Bowling Green, Mo.
Receipts: 1325; Last Week: 2163; Year Ago: 1701

   Friday's auction was a Special Bred Cow Sale along with a nice offering mostly feeder steers.  Feeder steers weighing 500-900 lbs sold fully steady to firm with last week’s special. Feeder heifers were lightly tested with few comparisons selling mostly in small packages and singles. Demand was moderate to good with supply moderate. Slaughter cows sold steady to firm on a nice offering. Bred cows were mostly average quality and sold with moderate demand. Slaughter cows and bred cows accounted for 40 percent of the total receipts with slaughter steers and heifers accounting for 7 percent of the total receipts. Feeder supply consisted of 59 percent steers and bulls, 41 percent heifers and near 71 percent weighing over 600 lbs.
   FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large 1: pkg thin 415 lbs $207.00; 500-550 lbs $184.00-188.00, pkg thin 510 lbs $193.00; 550-600 lbs $169.00-179.00; 600-700 lbs $154.50-165.00; 700-750 lbs $147.50-154.00, 750-800 lbs $139.50-144.75, lot fleshy 765 lbs $134.50; 800-850 lbs $140.00-140.25, fleshy $133.50-135.00; part load 900 lbs $133.75; 1000-1025 lbs fleshy $125.00. Medium and Large 1-2: few 350-400 lbs $186.00-190.00; pkg 465 lbs $183.00; pkg 505 lbs $173.50; 600-700 lbs $145.00-151.00; pkg 770 lbs $138.00.
   FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1: pkg 422 lbs $164.00, pkg fleshy 470 lbs $151.00; pkg 535 lbs $146.50; pkg 625 lbs $140.00, fleshy 650-700 lbs $126.50-132.00; 700-750 lbs $133.00-138.00, lot fleshy 750 lbs $125.50; lot 815 lbs $132.50. Medium and Large 1-2: pkg 360 lbs $155.00; 400-500 lbs $150.00-156.00; few 500-555 lbs $137.00-145.50, 550-600 lbs fleshy $127.00-129.50; 600-650 lbs $134.50-137.00, fleshy $130.00-132.00; 700-750 lbs $130.50-132.50, pkg fleshy 705 lbs $125.00, 750-800 lbs $130.00-132.00.
   FEEDER BULLS: Medium and Large 1: pkg 438 lbs $187.00; pkg 525 lbs $166.00; lot 605 lbs $140.50. Medium and Large 1-2: pkg 405 lbs $180.00; 500-550 lbs $150.00-157.00; 600-700 lbs $120.00-126.00; 700-800 lbs $117.00-123.00.
   REPLACEMENT COWS:  Medium and large 1-2: Heifers 1070-1200 lbs 3rd stage $1500.00-1750.00; Bred cows 4-7 yrs 1200-1725 lbs mostly 3rd stage $1290.00-1460.00; few 7 yrs to short solid 1100-1450 lbs 2nd-3rd stage $1090.00-1260.00; Aged cows 1430-1595 lbs 3rd stage $1090.00-1190.00. Medium and Large: 4-6 yrs 1250-1550 lbs 2nd-3rd stage $1030.00-1200.00, pkg thin 925 lbs 3rd stage 970.00; short solid to aged cows 1000-1400 lbs 2nd-3rd stage $800.00-1070.00, pkg thin aged cows 2nd stage $640.00. Medium 1-2: Heifers 950-1000 lbs 2nd-3rd stage $1210.00-1400.00. Pairs: Medium and Large 1-2: few 5-7 yrs 1200-1550 lbs w/300 lb calves $1825.00-1900.00.
   SLAUGHTER COWS: Breaking 70-80 Percent Lean, $54.00-60.00, High Dressing $60.00-63.50, Ind. $71.00, Low Dressing $50.00-54.00; Boning 80-85 Percent Lean, $54.00-60.50, High Dressing $60.50-63.50, Low Dressing $47.50-53.50; Lean 85-90 Percent Lean, $52.00-59.00, Low Dressing $43.00-51.00.
   SLAUGHTER BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2: 1300-2450 lbs $78.50-85.50, High Dressing $87.00-90.50, Couple gaunt $93.50-94.00, Low Dressing $71.00-77.00.
   SLAUGHTER STEERS AND HEIFERS: (86 head) Select and Choice 2-4 1235-1565 lbs $118.25-124.50; Select 1-2  1000-1450 lbs $112.50-117.50, few $110.00-110.50; Dairy X 1380-1795 lbs $75.50-83.75. ∆

Farmington Livestock Market
JANUARY 17, 2018 • Farmington, Mo.
Receipts: 360; Last Week: 1926; Year Ago: 957

   Too light of a run for a trend comparison due to the weather. Slaughter cows and a few bulls sold $1.00 higher; Demand not tested and supply very light. Cows made up approximately 21 percent of the run, 79 percent feeders. Steers made up approximately 38 percent of the offering, 43 percent heifers with 19 percent feeder bulls.  Offerings over 600 lbs totaled around 34 percent.
   FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large 1: pkg 271 lbs $207.50; few 300-400 lbs $173.50-205.00; few 400-500 lbs $155.00-169.50; 500-600 lbs $150.50-175.00; 600-700 lbs $141.50-145.50; 700-800 lbs $135.00-145.50. Medium and Large 1-2: pkg 265 lbs $150.00.
   FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1: pkg 270 lbs $183.00; few 300-400 lbs $147.00-164.00; 400-500 lbs $135.00-150.00; 500-600 lbs $125.00-138.00; 600-675 lbs $125.00-136.50; few 700-800 lbs $122.50-130.00; pkg 818 lbs $122.50. Medium and Large 1-2: pkg 288 lbs $150.00; few 325-400 lbs $135.00-145.00; few 400-475 lbs $125.00-134.00; few 525-600 lbs $120.00-135.00; few 650-700 lbs $115.00-117.00.
   FEEDER BULLS: Medium and Large 1: pkg 397 lbs $166.00; few 400-450 lbs $154.50-160.00; 500-575 lbs $139.00-160.00; few 600-675 lbs $131.00-132.00. Medium and Large 1-2: pkg 478 lbs $142.00; few 500-600 lbs $125.00-140.00; pkg 620 lbs $122.00.
   SLAUGHTER COWS: Breaking 75-80 Percent Lean, few $53.00-57.00, High Dressing $58.50-62.00; Boning 80-85 Percent Lean, $46.50-54.50, High Dressing 58.00-62.00; Lean 85-90 Percent Lean, few $40.50-46.50, High Dressing $48.00.
   SLAUGHTER BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2: few 1525-1950 lbs Bulk $65.50-73.50, High Dressing  $76.50.
   STOCKER COWS: Scarce.
   REPLACEMENT COWS: Medium and Large 1-2: few 4 yrs old to short and solid mouth, 1045-1515 lbs, 2nd and 3rd stage, $800.00.00-1025.00 per head.
   COW-CALF PAIRS: Medium and Large 2: 6 yrs old to short and solid mouth,1100-1250 lbs with 210-350 lbs calves $1100.00-1475.00 per pair. ∆
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