Cold Brings Fescue Foot To Cows On Toxic Fescue; Learn How To Convert Fields And Eliminate Problem March 6 MT. VERNON, MO.
A winter cold snap arrives. Cow's blood flow slows. Cows start limping. It is time to check herds for fescue foot.
The first report of the disabling disease came to the attention of Craig Roberts, University of Missouri Extension fescue specialist, back in December.
The case was from southwestern Missouri, Roberts says. A herd owner counts 20 limping cows in a herd of 100. That can happen anywhere in Missouri.
“If caught early, cows can be taken off toxic Kentucky 31 pastures and given other forage or feed. If left on toxic pastures, limping cows will lose hooves. There is no cure,” said Roberts.
When cold weather arrives, Roberts urges owners with herds on toxic grass to check them every day. Losses are serious.
The first sign is limping. Hooves on hind feet may show swelling where legs join hooves. If the junction shows red and necrotic, it may be too late. Advanced stages show gangrene and hoof loss.
That is too late to correct. Early detection is vital.
The toxic alkaloid in fescue is a vasoconstrictor, which shrinks blood vessels. That lowers blood flow to extremities, causing frostbite. Calves lose tips of their ears or switches from their tails.
Those losses are not fatal. However, they indicate that they are “fescue calves.” That lowers their value as feeder calves.
Last year, the first case reported six cows lost, or 20 percent of the herd.
Both early cases were from southwestern Missouri. That area has more cowherds and more pure stands of toxic fescue. Northern pastures may be diluted with nontoxic grasses.
The fescue problem has been known for years. Fescue foot was the first alert to a toxic alkaloid released by a fungus between cell walls of Kentucky 31 fescue. The ergovaline toxin does more damage than fescue foot.
The toxin cuts milk flow, hurts calf gains, lowers pregnancies and more.
Farmers ask, “What can I do?”
Roberts answers with a question: “How serious are you about doing something?”
The answer means killing toxic fescue pasture. Then it requires seeding a nontoxic variety.
The fungus benefits the grass, protecting it from pests and grazing.
Plant breeders have inserted naturally occurring nontoxic fungi into fescue varieties, which are called novel endophyte fescue.
The Alliance for Grassland Renewal has conducted workshops for the past five years. They show how to eradicate the toxic fescue. That is not easy. Then they tell how to seed a new novel endophyte variety. It is a yearlong process.
Farmers who convert gain peace of mind, Roberts says.
Increased profits come after peace of mind.
Advice is at the Alliance website:
A one-day school will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday, March 6, 2018, at the University of Missouri Southwest Research Center, 14158 Hwy H, Mt. Vernon.
For individuals that register before Feb. 27, the cost is $60 per person or $110 per couple.
The registration fee includes a meal, refreshments and proceedings.
Enrollment is limited but can be made by contacting Janet Adams in the Lawrence County MU Extension office at 417-466-3102 or by email at ∆