Livestock Reports

Patton Junction Livestock Auction
OCTOBER 2, 2017 • Patton, Mo.
Receipts: 825   Week Ago: 555       Last Year: 491

   Compared to last week, steers and heifers sold steady to $5.00 higher. Slaughter cows sold steady and bulls sold $3.00 lower. Demand good and supply light. Cows made up approximately 12 percent of the run, 88 percent feeders. Steers made up approximately 33 percent of the offering, 43 percent heifers with 25 percent feeder bulls. Offerings over 600 lbs totaled around 17 percent.
   FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large 1: 300-400 lbs $155.00-171.00; 400-500 lbs $150.00-165.00; 500-600 lbs $137.00-160.00; 600-700 lbs $128.00-145.00; few 700-750 lbs $115.00-135.00; pkg 918 lbs $134.00. Medium and Large 1-2: 350-400 lbs $135.00-153.00; few 400-500 lbs $128.00-149.00; 500-600 lbs $125.00-148.00; few 625-650 lbs $121.00-143.00; pkg 706 lbs $130.00.
   FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1: 300-400 lbs $139.00-162.00; 400-500 lbs $133.00-147.00; 500-600 lbs $129.00-145.00; 600-650 lbs $125.00-139.00; pkg 712 lbs $124.00; pkg 872 lbs $117.00. Medium and Large 1-2: few 350-400 lbs $131.00-146.00; 400-500 lbs $123.00-142.00; 500-550 lbs $120.00-133.00; few 625-700 lbs $110.00-121.00; few 700-725 lbs $115.00-121.00; pkg 838 lbs $110.00.
   FEEDER BULLS: Medium and Large 1: 400-500 lbs $141.00-161.00; 500-600 lbs $129.00-158.50; 600-700 lbs $122.00-141.00; few 700-750 lbs $119.00-125.00. Medium and Large 1-2: few 400-500 lbs $125.00-140.00; few 500-600 lbs $118.00-132.00; few 700-725 lbs $117.00-121.00.
   SLAUGHTER COWS: Breaking 75-80 Percent Lean, few $47.00-55.00, High Dressing $56.50-60.50; Boning 80-85 Percent Lean, $42.50-53.00, High Dressing, $57.50-60.50; Lean, 85-90 Percent Lean, $43.00-47.00, High Dressing $52.00.
   SLAUGHTER BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2: few 985-1805 lbs, Bulk $65.00-72.50, High Dressing $75.00-80.50.
   STOCKER COWS:  Scarce.
   REPLACEMENT COWS: Medium and Large 1-2: few 4 yrs old to short and solid mouth, 1060-1230 lbs, 2nd and 3rd stage, $680.00-1050.00 per head.
   COW-CALF PAIRS: Medium and Large 1-2: few 5-7 yrs old, 1090-1295 lbs with 65-120 lbs calves, $1100.00-1120.00 per pair. ∆

Fruitland Livestock Market
OCTOBER 3, 2017 • Fruitland, Mo.
Receipts: 390; Last Week: 302; Year Ago: 297
High demand for good quality groups. Overall they sold $3-10 higher.
   FEEDER STEERS: 200-299 lbs $174-210; 300-399 lbs $145-169; 400-499 lbs $140-161; 500-599 lbs $134-160.50; 600-699 lbs $132-150.
   FEEDER HEIFERS: 200-299 lbs $145-160; 300-399 lbs $144-156; 400-499 lbs $141-155; 500-599 lbs $138-142; 600-699 lbs $125-130.
   BABY CALVES: Brown $25-30, Holstein $80-160, Beef $160-210.
   SLAUGHTER COWS: Breaking 75-80 Percent Lean, $60-64, High Dressing $65-70, Low Dressing $59-63; Boning 80-85 Percent Lean, $64-68, High Dressing $69-73; Lean 85-90 Percent Lean, $55-59, High Dressing $60-65, Low Dressing $45-50.
   SLAUGHTER BULLS: High Yield Low $80, High Yield High $91; Low Yield Low $70, Low Yield High $75. ∆

Eastern Missouri Livestock Auction
OCTOBER 6, 2017
Bowling Green, Mo.
Receipts: 686; Last Week: 627; Year Ago: 390

   Compared to last week, a light offering of mostly unweaned/short weaned steer and heifer calves on comparable sales with last week sold steady. Slaughter cows accounted for near 32 percent of the total receipts and traded steady to $2.00 higher. Feeder cattle supply consisted of 57 percent steers and bull, 43 percent heifers and near 30 percent weighing over 600 lbs.
   FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large 1: few 400-410 lbs $191.00; 500-550 lbs unweaned/fleshy $162.50-165.00, 550-600 lbs unweaned/fleshy $152.50-157.50; 600-665 lbs calves $150.00-161.50; 700-735 lbs calves $138.00-140.50; pkg 845 lbs 147.00. Medium and Large 1-2: few 375 lbs $184.00-201.00; 450-500 lbs $169.50-176.00; 500-550 lbs $160.00-163.50.
   FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1: pkg 375 lbs $176.00; pkg 400 lbs $168.00, pkg fleshy 448 lbs $150.50; pkg 510 lbs fleshy $149.00; few 600-700 lbs $146.00-151.00. Medium and Large 1-2: few 320-350 lbs $171.00-172.00; 400-500 lbs $148.00-151.00; 500-600 lbs $140.00-150.00; 600-650 lbs $137.50-146.50; 700-750 lbs $140.50-145.00.
   FEEDER BULLS: Medium and Large 1-2: few 300-325 lbs $190.00-192.00; 400-420 lbs $181.00-187.00, 450-500 lbs $164.00-175.00; few 500-510 lbs $162.00, 550-600 lbs $140.00-143.50; 650-700 lbs $136.50-139.50; 700-735 lbs $135.00-139.50.
   HEIFERETTES/STOCK COWS:  Medium and Large 1-2: thin 2 yrs lot 1110 lbs $109.50.
   SLAUGHTER COWS: Breaking 70-80 Percent Lean, $59.00-64.00, High Dressing $64.00-66.00, Low Dressing $51.00-58.00; Boning 80-85 Percent Lean, $58.00-64.00, High Dressing $64.00-67.00, Few gaunt $69.00-74.50, Low Dressing $53.50-56.00; Lean 85-90 Percent Lean, $56.00-63.00, High Dressing $64.00-67.00, Low Dressing $48.00-54.50.
   SLAUGHTER BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2: 1275-2750 lbs $80.00-88.00, High Dressing $93.50-98.00, Low Dressing $74.50-78.50.
   SLAUGHTER STEERS AND HEIFERS: (26 head) Select and Choice 1-3 1060-1375 lbs $105.00-109.25, lot Holsteins 1570 lbs $80.50. ∆

Farmington Livestock Market
OCTOBER 4, 2017
Farmington, Mo.
Receipts: 1931; Last Week: 1258; Year Ago: 1304

   Compared to last week, steers and heifers sold steady to $5.00 higher. Slaughter cows sold steady and bulls sold $2.00 lower; Demand good and supply moderate to heavy. Cows made up approximately 12 percent of the run, 88 percent feeders. Steers made up approximately 41 percent of the offering, 45 percent heifers with 14 feeder bulls. Offerings over 600 lbs totaled around 32 percent.
   FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large 1: few 250-300 lbs $195.00-200.00; 300-400 lbs $181.00-205.00; 400-500 lbs $166.00-187.00; 500-600 lbs $145.00-173.50; fancy pkg 504 lbs $181.00; 600-700 lbs $142.00-161.00; few 700-750 lbs $145.50-151.00; few 900-950 lbs $128.00-133.00. Medium and Large 1-2: 300-400 lbs $150.00-174.00; 400-500 lbs $135.00-165.00; 500-600 lbs $128.00-145.00; pkg 660 lbs $130.00; pkg 713 lbs $135.00.
   FEEDER HOLSTEINS: Large 3: pkg 312 lbs $80.00; pkg 403 lbs $80.00.
   FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1: few 250-275 lbs $155.00-165.00; 300-400 lbs $147.00-165.00; 400-500 lbs $140.00-160.00; 500-600 lbs $135.00-150.00; 600-700 lbs $130.00-146.50; few 750-800 lbs $125.00-133.00; few 830 lbs $122.50-131.00. Medium and Large 1-2: pkg 255 lbs $143.00; 325-400 lbs $135.00-145.00; 400-500 lbs $121.00-142.00; 525-600 lbs $121.50-138.00; few 600-700 lbs $116.00-127.50; few 725-775 lbs $115.00-118.00.
   FEEDER BULLS: Medium and Large 1: 425-500 lbs $142.50-165.00; 500-600 lbs $138.00-155.50; 600-700 lbs $128.00-138.00; pkg 708 lbs $124.00. Medium and Large 1-2: 400-500 lbs $125.00-147.00; few 500-600 lbs $120.00-137.00.
   SLAUGHTER COWS: Breaking 75-80 Percent Lean, few $54.00-57.00, High Dressing $59.50-64.00; Boning 80-85 Percent Lean, $53.50-57.00, High Dressing $61.50-66.00; Lean 85-90 Percent Lean, few $45.00-52.50.
   SLAUGHTER BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2: few 1240-2090 lbs Bulk $57.00-75.50, High Dressing $79.00-89.00.
   STOCKER COWS: Medium 1-2: 3-5 yrs old, 720-1010 lbs, $70.00-90.00.
   REPLACEMENT COWS: Medium and Large 1-2: few 4-7 yrs old, 830-1225 lbs, 2nd and 3rd stage, $850.00-1100.00 per head.
   COW-CALF PAIRS: Medium 1-2: few 4-7 yrs old, 870-1250 lbs with 100-340 lbs calves, $1025.00-1675.00 per pair. ∆
MidAmerica Farm Publications, Inc
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