Wheat Planting Ahead


   Wheat planting season is coming up soon.  MU Variety Testing is a good resource for variety selection: http://varietytesting.missouri.edu
   Optimum planting window is the month of October, preferably after the Hessian fly (click for more info) free date of October 10th or later for the southern region.
Optimum seeding rate is 1.3 to 1.5 million pure live seeds/acre.  Pure live seed takes into account percent germination and percent purity of seed.  Ideal fall stand counts should be between 30 and 35 plants/ft2.
   Optimum seeding depth is ¾ to 1.5 inches deep.  Planting too shallow or deep will negatively influence emergence.
   Information on wheat management can found in IPM Guide 1022: “Wheat Management Guide” and the wheat management reference sheet. ∆ 
   DR. ANTHONY OHMES: Agronomy Specialist, University of Missouri 
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