2017 MU Pork Institute Offers Opportunities To Learn From Researchers, Industry Leaders

   The University of Missouri Pork Institute offers a three-day intensive educational program for high school students interested in pork production.
   MU Extension swine specialist Marcia Shannon says the event, June 12-14 in Columbia, is a great opportunity for young people to learn about the latest topics in the pork industry.
   Students live on campus during the event. They have the opportunity to meet with animal science professors and pork industry leaders. Among the sessions are biosecurity updates from MU Extension veterinarian Corinne Bromfield. Shannon speaks on swine nutrition. Meat scientist Bryon Wiegand leads a session on carcass and meat quality evaluation. Students will tour MU’s swine research farm and a processing plant in St. Joseph. Extension agricultural engineer Teng Lim discusses odor and biofilters.
   Missouri Pork Association and the MU College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources provide financial support for the institute.
For more information, contact Shannon at 573-882-7859 or carlsonm@missouri.edu, or the Missouri Pork Association at 573-445-8375 or intern1@mopork.com. ∆
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