Cattle, Pasture And Soil Workshops By MU Extension Scheduled

   University of Missouri Extension Livestock Specialists Dr. Patrick Davis has planned three agriculture-related workshops during January for the Stockton and Nevada areas.
   Each workshop has a registration requirement and will provide up-to-date information and research on the topic designed to help area producers increase their profits.
   The Southwest Missouri MU Extension Beef Cattle Conference begins at 4 p. m., January 26 at the Stockton United Methodist Church Family Life Center in Stockton. There will be three presenters at the program.
   Bob Schultheis, Natural Resource Engineer Specialist, MU Extension Webster County, will present “Hay Storage and Feeding Management.”
   Jordan Thomas, Senior Research Specialist and Ph.D. Candidate at University of Missouri, will present a program entitled, “Beef Reproduction Update and The Latest from the Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifer Program.”
   Dr. Scott Brown, University of Missouri Assistant Research Professor of Agricultural and Applied Economics will give the keynote entitled,     “Opportunities for Cattle Producers in 2017.”
   The cost of the event for those who pre-register and pay by Jan. 20 is $20 per person and includes dinner. Registrations after Jan. 20 or at the door will be $30 per person.
   For details on this event, contact the Cedar County MU Extension Center at (417) 276 - 3313 or by email at
   A workshop to address strategies to improve pasture and grazing management will begin at 6 p.m. on Jan. 23 at the Vernon County Fairgrounds Diner at 1488 East Ashland St, Nevada.
   Speakers will be Dr. Patrick Davis, Cedar County MU Extension Regional Livestock Specialist, and Pat Miller, Vernon County MU Extension Regional Agronomy Specialist.
   Topics covered will consist include pasture soil fertility improvement and management, weed and brush control management, and the incorporation of forages in pasture to extend and improve the grazing season.
   The cost of the workshop is $15 per person, and registration along with payment for the workshop are due to the Vernon County MU Extension Center by Jan. 20.
   To register, or for more information, contact the Vernon County MU Extension Center at 417-448-2560 or by email at . ∆
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