Performance Tested Bull Sales Proves Market Is Bearish
What a difference a year can make in the cattle market. One year ago, the Performance Tested Bull Sale at Springfield averaged $4581 on 49 bulls. At that time steer calves were selling for around $1050 per head.
This year there were 59 bulls in the same sale that averaged $2893 with five head not even reaching the $2000 floor price. The current price of steer calves is now in the $600 per head range.
The sale on October 31 at the Springfield Livestock Marketing Center was the 88th bull sale by the Southwest Missouri Beef Cattle Improvement Association. Consignments come from the southwest corner of the state.
Topping the sale was an Angus, June 2015 son of WRR Brutus 262 from Truman L. Wiles, Willow Springs. He was a seven frame, 1349 yearling weight bull with a 15 calving ease direct EPD. He also had a top 10 percentile rank for weaning weight and $ Wean. His milk EPD placed him in the top 5 percent of Angus non-parent bulls. Wiles entered seven bulls and came away with a $4221 average on them.
The successful buyer of the top price bull was Brackenridge Brothers of El Dorado Springs. They are consistent buyers at this sale since 1994, and they’ve also bought Wiles bulls the last three sales.
The 46 Angus bulls in the sale averaged $2997.
Six Hereford and Polled Hereford bulls averaged $2342. Topping that breed was Jim D. Bellis Family, Aurora with a $2800 bid from Matt Dill, Niangua on an April 2015 son of THM Durango 4037. His EPD profile placed him in the top 25 percentile for most traits.
One Charolais bull sold for $2300. The buyer was Scott Thompson, Clever with the seller Atley Kleinman, Wentworth. One SimAngus bull from Greg Garretson, Bolivar sold for $2000 going to Dale Dunseth, Halfway.
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