City Girl Turned Farmer Headlines Pearls Of Production Workshop, Nov. 4-5

   “A city girl turned farmer and a mother to two boys, many piglets, sows, dogs and horses." That is how 2016 Pearls of Production keynote speaker Erin Brenneman describes herself.
   Brenneman, an Iowa pork producer, works from an “office with a view” of agriculture. Brenneman’s family farm raises 20,000 sows at three sites in Missouri and Iowa. They market 650,000 pigs each year and grow about 3,000 acres of corn and soybean.
   She tells about growing up in Chicago, where she “thought food came from the grocery store,” and of being part of a farm family challenged with feeding the world.
   The two-day Pearls of Production: Women in Agriculture workshop will be Nov. 4-5 at the University of Missouri Animal Sciences Research Center, 920 E. Campus Drive, Columbia.
   The hands-on workshop features sessions on small tractor and ATV maintenance, farm safety for women, and local marketing of farm products, says Marcia Shannon, University of Missouri Extension swine specialist.
   MU Extension and Lincoln University specialists will give hands-on demonstrations for beef, pork, goat and sheep producers. They also offer sessions on forages and pasture management.
   To register, go to You may also contact Shannon at 573-882-7859 or . ∆
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