Livestock Reports

Farmington Livestock Market
AUGUST 24, 2016 • Farmington, Mo.
Receipts: 1419; Last Week: 1262; Year Ago: 756

   Compared to last week, steers and heifers sold $3-11 lower. Slaughter cows sold $2 lower and bulls sold $4 lower. Demand lower and supply moderate. Cows made up approximately 14 percent of the run, 86 percent feeders. Steers made up approximately 38 percent of the offering, 43 percent heifers with 18 percent feeder bulls. Offerings over 600 lbs totaled around 27 percent.
   FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large 1: Few 275-300 lbs $160-172; 300-400 lbs $155-180; 400-500 lbs $150-174; 500-600 lbs $141-157; 600-700 lbs $132.50-151.25; 700-800 lbs $125-142; few 800-900 lbs $125-135. Medium and Large 1-2: Few 300-350 lbs $151; few 400-500 lbs $121-145; few 525-600 lbs $125-142; few 625-650 lbs $125-135.
   FEEDER HOLSTEINS: Large 3: Pkg 572 lbs $106.
   FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1: Few 275-300 lbs $152.50-161; 300-400 lbs $149-167.50; 400-500 lbs $135-160; 500-600 lbs $124-150; 600-700 lbs $121-146.50; 725-750 lbs $125-128.50; few 800-850 lbs $124-125.50. Medium and Large 1-2: Few 350-400 lbs $125-142; few 400-500 lbs $120-130; few 525-550 lbs $110-125; few 600-700 lbs $116-123.
   FEEDER BULLS: Medium and Large 1: Pkg 395 lbs $165; 400-500 lbs $142.50-169; 500-600 lbs $125-154; 600-700 lbs $119-129.50; few 700-800 lbs $113-123. Medium and Large 1-2: Few 400-425 lbs $135-141; few 600-700 lbs $113-122.
   SLAUGHTER COWS: Breaking 75-80 Percent Lean, few $69-73, High Dressing $77; Boning 80-85 Percent Lean, $68.50-73, High Dressing $75.50-79.50; Lean 85-90 Percent Lean, $60.50-65.50, High Dressing $67.50-71.
   SLAUGHTER BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2: Few 1155-2195 lbs bulk $83-92.50, High Dressing $96.50-103.
   STOCKER COWS: Scarce.
   REPLACEMENT COWS: Medium and Large 1-2: 3 yrs old to short and solid mouth, 855-1535 lbs, 2nd and 3rd stage, $950-1375 per head.
   COW-CALF PAIRS: Medium and Large 1-2: Few 5 yrs old to short and solid mouth, 1020-1440 lbs with 100-300 lbs calves, $1200-1700 per pair. ∆

Patton Junction Livestock Auction
AUGUST 22, 2016 • Patton, Mo.
Receipts: 720   Week Ago: 484       Last Year: 349
No sale Sept. 5 due to Labor Day

   Compared to last week, 300 lbs steers sold $5 higher the rest of the offering sold $1-10 lower. Slaughter cows sold $2 lower and bulls sold steady; Demand uneven and supply light. Cows made up approximately 12 percent of the run, 88 percent feeders. Steers made up approximately 43 percent of the offering 40 percent heifers with 16 percent feeder bulls. Offerings over 600 lbs totaled around 27 percent.
   FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large 1: 300-400 lbs $157-184; 400-500 lbs $150-169; 500-600 lbs $138-157.50; 600-700 lbs $135-146.50; 700-800 lbs $127-145; few 825-875 lbs $128-137. Medium and Large 1-2: Few 325-400 lbs $144-166; few 400-475 lbs $134-154; few 500-600 lbs $125-132.
   FEEDER HOLSTEINS STEERS: Large 3: Pkg 370 lbs $101; pkg 522 lbs $90.
   FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1: Few 275-300 lbs $145-160; 300-400 lbs $144-162; 400-500 lbs $130-150; 500-600 lbs $125-145; 600-700 lbs $125-137; few 700-750 lbs $126-129; pkg 990 lbs $132. Medium and Large 1-2: Few 350-375 lbs $130-140; 450-500 lbs $122-135; few 500-600 lbs $115-135.
   FEEDER BULLS: Medium and Large 1: Few 400-500 lbs $130-156; 500-600 lbs $125-138.50; 600-700 lbs $120-131; few 750-800 lbs $120-121. Medium and Large 1-2: Few 425-500 lbs $130-155; few 500-575 lbs $110-135.
   SLAUGHTER COWS: Breaking 75-80 Percent Lean, $65-70; Boning 80-85 Percent Lean, $68-70, High Dressing, $75-79; Lean, 85-90 Percent Lean, $59-65.
   SLAUGHTER BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2: 1245-1875 lbs, Bulk $80-93.
   STOCKER COWS: Scarce.
   REPLACEMENT COWS: Medium and Large 1-2: 3 yrs old to short and solid mouth, 2nd and 3rd stage, $1070-1440 per head.
   COW-CALF PAIRS: Medium and Large 1-2: Short and solid mouth, 1040-1400 lbs with 190-290 lbs calves, $1240-1370 per pair. ∆

Eastern Missouri Livestock Auction
AUGUST 26, 2016 • Bowling Green, Mo.
Receipts: 1579; Last Week: 662; Year Ago: 1319

   Compared to the previous auction from two weeks ago, feeder steers weighing 500-800 lbs and heifers weighing 450-750 lbs traded mostly $5-10 lower on comparable sales and weights. Demand was moderate to good with a nice offering of feeder cattle weighing from 500-750 lbs. Slaughter cows sold steady with last week. Feeder cattle and live cattle futures have been eroding the past couple of weeks as fed cattle prices have trended lower with the realization that the cattle feeder must buy feeders cheaper if they have a chance of surviving cash fed prices. Slaughter cows accounted for near 12 percent of the total receipts. Feeder supply consisted of 4 percent steers, 46 percent heifers and near 52 percent weighing over 600 lbs.
   FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large 1: Few 450-500 lbs $174.50-182.50; 500-550 lbs $164-174; 550-600 lbs $161-166.50; lot fancy blks 565 lbs $171.25; 600-650 lbs $153.75-159.75; 650-700 lbs $145.50-154.25; 700-750 lbs $144.50-149; few 750-800 lbs $140-147.50; pkg 813 lbs $142.50. Medium and Large 1-2: Few 450-500 lbs $163-174.50; 500-600 lbs $148-159; lot thin 505 lbs $175; 600-700 lbs $140-152; 700-800 lbs $138.50-145.25.
   FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1: 450-500 lbs $154.50-162; 500-550 lbs $153.50-155.50; 550-600 lbs $144-153.50; 600-650 lbs $144-146.50; 650-700 lbs $138.50-140.25; 700-750 lbs $131-134; pkg 800 lbs fleshy $124.50. Medium and Large 1-2: Few 350-400 lbs $163-177; 450-500 lbs $148-153; 500-600 lbs $135.50-144.50; 600-700 lbs $129.25-140; pkg 750 lbs $128.50.
   FEEDER BULLS: 400-450 lbs $153-161.50; 500-600 lbs $145.25-157.25; 600-700 lbs $131-134.50; pkg 745 lbs $128.50.
   SLAUGHTER COWS: Breaking 70-80 Percent Lean, $74-78.50, High Dressing few $79.50-83, Low Dressing $68.50-72; Boning 80-85 Percent Lean, $72-79, High Dressing $79.50-83.50, couple $85, Low Dressing $68-72; Lean 85-90 Percent Lean, $67-75, High Dressing few $75-78.50, Low Dressing $61.50-67.
   SLAUGHTER BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2: 1250-2100 lbs $94-100.50, Low Dressing $87-93.
   SLAUGHTER STEERS AND HEIFERS: (33 head) Select and Choice 1-3: 1200-1310 lbs $110-113.25; few Select 1-2 $104.50-105; pkg Holsteins 1705 lbs $98.75; few dairy $93-98; Heiferettes 1300-1500 lbs (mostly 2 years) $93.50-97.50. ∆

Fruitland Livestock Market
AUGUST 23, 2016 • Fruitland, Mo.
Receipts: 434; Last Week: 288; Year Ago: 288

   Very uneven market today. Heifers 600 lbs and up appeared $4-8 higher. Rest of the offering lower $2-8.
   FEEDER STEERS: 200-299 lbs $167; 300-399 lbs $145-169; 400-499 lbs $136-154; 500-599 lbs $137-149; 600-699 lbs $135-146; 700-799 lbs $130.50.
   FEEDER HEIFERS: 200-299 lbs $149-170; 300-399 lbs $146-163; 400-499 lbs $131-145; 500-599 lbs $130-136; 600-699 lbs $129-142; 700-799 lbs $119-125.
   BABY CALVES: Brown $85-110; Holstein $100-210; Beef $160-220.
   SLAUGHTER COWS: Breaking 75-80 Percent Lean, $62-68, High Dressing $69-75; Boning 80-85 Percent Lean, $72-75, High Dressing $76-80, Low Dressing $67-70; Lean 85-90 Percent Lean, $67-71, High Dressing $72-78, Low Dressing $50-60.
   SLAUGHTER BULLS: High Yield Low $92, High Yield High $100; Low Yield Low $60, Low Yield High $85. ∆

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