Davis Farm Service Receives Kinze Awards

 Each year Kinze presents a National Dealer Award to the dealership who has earned the highest market share of all sales 
 districts across the nation. Davis Farm Service, Inc. not only received the award for their sales district, which includes 
 Missouri, Kansas and Tennessee, but is also the recipient of the national award. Shown from left to right: Austin Davis 
 and Gary Dost, Sales; Susie Vaeth, President chief marketing officer at Kinze; Jerry Davis, owner; Luc van Herle, 
 Director of sales at Kinze and George Zimmerschied, Kinze district sales manager.

Kinze, one of the leading manufacturers of row crop planters and grains carts, is proud to partner with some of the best agricultural equipment dealerships in the country. Without the passion, knowledge and dedication our dealers, Kinze wouldn’t be the company it is today.
Each year Kinze honors and awards dealers who have demonstrated excellence and customer focus while also gaining market share in their respective sales territory. The awards recognize the tremendous efforts at the dealerships – from sales personnel to service technicians and parts personnel. It takes a team to make each and every customer know his or her wants and needs come first. In addition, each year Kinze presents a National Dealer Award to the dealership who has earned the highest market share of all sales districts across the nation. Davis Farm Service, Inc. not only received the award for their sales district, which includes Missouri, Kansas and Tennessee, but is also the recipient of the national award.   On Wednesday July 27th, Kinze company executives came to Perryville, MO to personally hand both awards to Jerry Davis and his team of dedicated professionals. Congratulations to Davis Farm Service, Inc.! ∆



  Market Share Award Winner 2016, Right, National Market Share Award Winner 2016


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