Cotton And Soybean Field Day At Ames Plantation Sept. 10

   Please mark your calendars-Fayette and Hardeman County Extension in will be conducting a cotton and soybean field day at Ames Plantation the morning of September 10th, beginning at 8:00 a.m. with registration. Dr. Tyson Raper, The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, Cotton and Small Grains Specialist, will be conducting the cotton portion for the morning. Dr. Raper will be discussing the efficiency of application methods, rates and timing of nitrogen, potassium, and sulfur to cotton. He will also be able to discuss the differences in the 23 varieties in the cotton county standardized test. The soybean portion of the morning will be conducted by Ryan Blair, University of Tennessee Extension Area Grains & Cotton Specialist. Blair will review the 26 different varieties in the Universities late four county standardized test for 2015. The tours will depart Bryan Hall, 3890 Buford Ellington Road, at 8:20 a.m. There will be two tour cycles, with the cotton and soybean portion lasting approximately an hour each. For more information, please contact Jeff Via at the UT Fayette County Extension office (901) 465-5233 or Lindsay Griffin at the UT/TSU Hardeman County Extension Office (731) 658-2421, or for information via email, or ∆
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