SEMO Cattlemen Honored With A Missouri Senate And House Resolution

   On April 22, 2015, at Jefferson City, Mo. the SEMO Cattlemen’s Association were bestowed a great honor by our local state lawmakers. Senator Wayne Wallingford and Representative Donna Litchtenegger honored the Cattlemen with a Senate and a House Resolution acknowledging May as Beef Month. In addition to honoring SEMO Cattlemen during Beef Month, it also recognized the three cattlemen that served as officers when the SEMO Cattlemen was organized in February of 1978. The local cattlemen, were Ben Eggers, now of Mexico, Missouri, as the first President, Mark Boardman, Owner of Flickerwood Arena, as the Vice President and Mike Kasten, Millersville, as the Secretary/Treasurer.
   Representative Litchtenegger,started the day by presenting the House Resolution to the full body of the Missouri House of Representatives, by acknowledging the Cattlemen of Southeast Missouri as a vital part of Missouri’s Agriculture Industry.
   Representative Litchtenegger, presented the Resolution to Ben Eggers, Mark Boardman, Larry Miller and Butch Meier.
   Senator Wallingford presented the Senate Resolution and introduced the Cattlemen on the Senate Floor. Senator Wallingford, added in the introduction of the cattlemen, that it by their efforts that Missouri continues to grow in the beef industry.
   The SEMO Cattlemen is a chapter of the Missouri Cattlemen Association, which is a statewide organization that works diligently to protect all of the Missouri Cattlemen. Missouri and Oklahoma continue to compete for the number two position as cattle producers in the United States.
   The SEMO Cattlemen provide halters to the FFA and 4-H Cattle Show participants at the SEMO District Fair. The SEMO Cattlemen have an annual banquet in February, which raises money for the halters, support Farm Day, and to provide two $500.00 scholarships each year.
   The Annual Farm Day, held at Flickerwood Arena, is the largest activity sponsored by SEMO Cattlemen. School children from the local area schools, approximately 900, are given a chance to learn about where food and fiber for daily living comes from and how it is produced on local farms and how farmers care for the land and environment. The event will be held April 29 and 2015 is the 20th year for the event.
   The SEMO Cattlemen wish to express our appreciation to Senator Wallingford and Representative Donna Litchtenegger for bestowing such a great honor to the SEMO Cattlemen. Their support to the cattle industry in this area has been invaluable to the cattlemen.
   It is the SEMO Cattlemen’s mission to leave this industry better for those yet to come, and to maintain the legacy of the cattlemen before them, by dedicating May 2015 as “BEEF MONTH” and to acknowledge the cattlemen that started our local association. ∆

Pictured left to right are Butch Meier, Eileen Meier, Donna Boardman, Mark Boardman, Patty Miller, Larry Miller, Senator Wayne Wallingford and Ben Eggers.

Pictured left to right are: Back Row, Ben Eggers, Mark Boardman, Butch Meier, Patty Miller and Larry Miller. Front Row Representative Donna Litchtenegger, Donna Boardman and Eileen Meier.
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