Illinois Wheat Association To Hold Yield Contest

   The Illinois Wheat Association will again hold a wheat yield contest open to all Illinois Wheat Association members. Entries for the contest, which is in its second year, are now open and will close May 15.
   “We started this contest not only as a way to recognize our growers, but also to give them an opportunity to learn more about the most efficient ways to grow wheat in Illinois,” said Diane Handley, executive director, Illinois Wheat Association. “The yield contest really serves as a tool for Illinois wheat growers to learn new methods and products to help increase their own yields.”
   Growers interested in entering the contest must be current members of the Illinois Wheat Association, or may pay for a one- or three-year membership when submitting their entry form and $50 entry fee. 
   Entry forms must be submitted by May 15. Once a completed entry form has been submitted, the Illinois Wheat Association will provide a harvest form to collect additional information, which must be completed and returned by July 24, 2015. Entries must also be verified by a qualified supervisor.
   The top four entries will be awarded in both the northern and southern region of the state, with first place receiving $500, second place receiving $250, third place receiving $125 and fourth place receiving a three year membership in the Illinois Wheat Association.
   Prizes will be awarded at the Summer Wheat Forum, held Aug. 25, 2015, and the Knights of Columbus in Highland.
   For more information and contest rules, visit or call the Illinois Wheat Association at 309-557-3662. ∆
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