Prepare For New Crop Season

MidAmerica Farmer Grower

   Drew Ellis, market development specialist with Dow Agrosciences, recently discussed several insecticides offered by the company. Ellis works in the mid-south district covering Dow’s crop protection portfolio offered by Dow AgroSciences.
   “The first is Transform WG insecticide for use in cotton,” he began. “It focuses on the sap feeding insects such as cotton aphid, and more importantly tarnished plant bug in cotton. This product provides a new mode of action and is a good IPM rotational tool.”
   The best fit, however, is at or near bloom application timing. An ounce and a half per acre, in back-to-back applications is recommended scenario of another ounce and a half is recommended. After those two applications, you rotate away to another class of chemistry.
   “With this program, we’ve seen through our testing of large plot and small plot demos that Transform really brings the advantage of higher yields; and 75 percent of the time that we see Transform used in that program we see a yield benefit,” Ellis added.

 Drew Ellis, market development specialist with Dow Agrosciences                                        
 Photo by John LaRose, Jr.

   He invited producers to consider this back-to-back application pattern, adding that the use of Transform will empower them with a unique new mode of action for their toolbox for control of cotton insects such as tarnished plant bugs and cotton aphids.
   Dow AgroSciences also has a soybean insecticide, called Intrepid Edge, which is a combination of two different modes of action.
   “Intrepid Edge also applies that IPM rotational tool for effective resistance management,” he said. “It fits in soybeans, where we’re positioning it for post foliar activity primarily in control of soybean looper, cotton bollworm and fall armyworm. However, it does have a broad spectrum of activity beyond those specific lepidopterous pests. Intrepid Edge brings good contact activity and is very flexible to use.”
   Ellis also promoted some of Dow AgroSciences’ products for rice. Dow AgroScience has products that fit well in both conventional or Clearfield rice systems.
   You may be looking for products that have residual activity or control of certain problem weeds such as quinclorac or propanil - resistant barnyardgrass, annual sedges or other tough broadleaves or aquatics in your fields,” he suggested. For solutions, he pointed specifically to RebelEX herbicide and Grasp Xtra herbicide.
   “Both of these products were launched back in 2010, and have really fit in well in those kind of situations where you do have some of those problem weeds that I mentioned,” Ellis said. 
   “They offer a wide window of application timing, they’re very flexible to use, there’s great crop tolerance, and they offer overall flexibility to meet your needs. We hope you will consider these Dow products in 2015. Visit with our sales reps in your area, or visit us on to learn more about our product line,” he said. ∆
   BETTY VALLE GEGG-NAEGER: Senior Staff Writer, MidAmerica Farmer Grower
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