Livestock Reports Eastern Missouri Livestock Auction
FEBRUARY 20, 2015 • Bowling Green, Mo.
Receipts: 495; Last Week: 2914; Year Ago: 1271
Compared to last week, not enough feeders any one weight for adequate price test. Demand moderate to good. Supply light on a cow special, mostly bred and weigh cows. Slaughter cows steady to firm, spots $1-2 higher.
FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large 1: Few small pkgs 535-585 lbs $257.50-272; pkg 640 lbs $234; three pkgs 680-712 lbs $213.50-215.50.
FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1: Few small pkgs 400-475 lbs $243-279; 500-535 lbs $231-237; pkg 665 lbs $202.75.
FEEDER BULLS: Medium and Large 1: Two pkgs 430-475 lbs $272-289; pkg 545 lbs $258; lot 675 lbs $192.
SLAUGHTER COWS: Breaking 70-80 Percent Lean, few $104.50-112.50, High Dressing $114-118.50, Ind. $123, Low Dressing $101-103; Boning 80-85 Percent Lean, $104-110, High Dressing $113.50-114.50; Lean 85-90 Percent Lean, $98-108, High Dressing Couple gaunt $120-121, Low Dressing $88-98, few $71-85 shelly.
SLAUGHTER BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2: 1500-2300 lbs few $132-138, High Dressing $139.50-144.50, Low Dressing $127.50-130.50.
SLAUGHTER STEERS AND HEIFERS: (12 head) Pkg Select and Choice 2-3: 1295 lbs $154.
BRED COWS: Medium and Large 1: 44 head string black-hided 5-6 yrs 1300-1550 lbs in 3rd stage $2725-2750; 17 head colored 4-6 yrs 1350-1550 lbs in 3rd stage $2525-2775; two pkgs 5-6 yrs 1400-1500 lbs in 2nd stage $2200-2325.
BRED HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1: 18 head 2-3 yrs black-hided 1200-1350 lbs in 3rd stage $2500-2650; 6 head 2 yrs red-angus 1035 lbs 3rd stage $2510.
PAIRS: Medium and Large 1: Pkg 4-5 yrs colored 1250 lbs back in 1st/2nd stages w/300-400 lbs calves $3300. ∆