UT Institute of Agriculture To Host Grain Conference In West Tennessee

Improving Corn Yields, Farm Bill Updates And 2015 Weather Outlook On Program

 The West Tennessee Grain and Soybean Producers Conference will provide pertinent information for the 2015 growing season.
 The conference takes place on Thursday,  February 5, in Dyersburg, Tenn.

 Photo by G. Rowsey, courtesy UTIA. 

   The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture will host the 2015 West Tennessee Grain and Soybean Producers Conference on Thursday, February 5. The conference will be held at the Dyer County Fairgrounds in Dyersburg.
   The conference begins at 7:45 a.m. CST with registration and an industry trade show. Breakout sessions begin at 9 a.m. This year’s presentations will cover Farm Bill updates, crop insurance alternatives, soil fertility and seed treatment options for soybean, wheat and grain sorghum. Fred Below, a University of Illinois professor of plant physiology, will give the last presentation of the morning on the steps to accelerate corn yields.
   Following a complimentary lunch, Drew Lerner, president and senior agricultural meteorologist of World Weather, Inc., will provide a weather outlook for the 2015 growing season.  World Weather, Inc. is an international weather forecasting firm that has provided weather data to agricultural markets for more than 30 years.
   The complete 2015 Grain Conference program will soon be available online at utcrops.com. You can also get more details by calling the Dyer County Extension Office by calling 731-286-7821.
   Commercial Applicator Points and CCA Points will be available.
   The Dyer County Fairgrounds are located at 296 James Rice Road in Dyersburg. ∆
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