March Is Bull Breeding Soundness Exam Month



“Bull management is important in preparation for the upcoming breeding season,” says Patrick Davis, University of Missouri Extension livestock field specialist. March is the time to begin preparing those bulls for the upcoming breeding season. Davis will discuss management strategies to make sure bulls are ready for the upcoming breeding season.

“Bull body condition is important as breeding season approaches,” says Davis. Body condition score (BCS), which is an estimation of fat cover, is evaluated on a scale of 1 (emaciated) to 9 (obese). The ideal BCS as bulls enter the breeding pasture is a 6, which is a smooth appearance throughout. This management strategy provides bulls adequate energy reserves to successfully breed females during the season. For more information on cattle BCS management, look at the MU Extension guide “Body Condition Scoring of Beef Cattle” at

“Structural soundness is important for bulls to do their job during the breeding season,” says Davis. One way to evaluate structural soundness is through foot scoring. Foot scoring evaluates the hoof through claw set and the pastern and heal length through foot angle. Both foot scoring parameters are evaluated on a 1 to 9 scale with an ideal range of 3 to 7. For more information on foot scoring, look at the MU Extension guide “Screening Criteria for Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifers” at

“Optimum bull health as they enter the breeding season helps them to be successful as well as promote optimum health to the cattle herd,” says Davis. Work with your veterinarian to develop and implement a herd health program for your bulls to help them be successful. For more information on cattle herd vaccination programs look at the MU Extension guide “Vaccination Program for a Cow-Calf Operation” at In addition, if you are using a newly acquired nonvirgin bull in your cattle operation, make sure he has been tested and found negative for trichomoniasis before entering the breeding pasture.

“A breeding soundness exam (BSE) is a good time to implement management strategies mentioned above as well as evaluate semen quality to identify and cull poor-fertility bulls,” says Davis. During the BSE, bull BCS and foot score can be evaluated. Also, BSE provides opportunities for updating vaccinations, testing for trichomoniasis and providing parasite control. In addition, the BSE evaluates semen motility and morphology to make sure semen quality is adequate for optimum pregnancy rates. Davis urges cattle producers to contact their veterinarian to schedule their bull BSE 30 to 60 days prior to the breeding season.

“MU Extension partners with local veterinarians and pharmaceutical companies to provide bull management education during BSE Days in southwest Missouri,” says Davis. MU Extension livestock field specialists will provide education in foot scoring, BCS, genomic testing and the BSE. The partnership with pharmaceutical companies allows participating veterinarians to provide rebates on vaccinations and dewormers given to the bulls during the BSE days. Also, at these events trichomoniasis testing can be done at a separate cost. If cattle producers want to schedule their bulls for one of the BSE days listed below, please contact the appropriate veterinary clinic:

March 4

  • Barry County Veterinary Clinic, Cassville
  • 417-847-2677

March 12

  • Aurora Animal Clinic, Aurora
  • 417-678-3112

March 18

  • Dake Veterinary Clinic, Miller
  • 417-510-5105

March 20

  • Animal Clinic of Diamond LLC, Diamond
  • 417-325-4136

March 25

  • Countryside Animal Clinic, Aurora
  • 417-678-4011

“Whether bulls are tested through the BSE days or with your local veterinarian, get them tested,” says Davis. Using bulls with poor fertility or structural problems hinders their ability to breed females causing an excessive number of open females, and less calves to sell, which leads to reduced operation profit potential. For more information related to the BSE days or bull management, contact Davis at 417-276-3313 or  ∆

PATRICK DAVIS: University of Missouri


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