Sign Up Now For 2025 Crop Pest Alerts



University of Missouri Extension’s Pest Monitoring Network offers free, timely pest alerts to farmers and gardeners, says MU Extension crops entomologist Ivair Valmorbida.

Early detection allows farmers to take quick action before infestations become severe. By scouting and monitoring their fields, farmers can make management decisions to prevent yield loss and reduce pesticide use.

The seven insect pests currently being monitored are Japanese beetle, brown marmorated stink bug, black cutworm, corn earworm, fall armyworm, true armyworm and corn leafhopper.

Extension field agronomists and faculty across the state begin setting traps in March. They then submit data weekly to the MU Integrated Pest Management website ( Data highlights abundance and distribution of insect pests captured in the traps.

MU Extension sends alerts through text messages, email and mobile apps when a certain number of insects are captured over a period of seven days. Scouting, identification and other important information is at

• Black cutworm larvae damage the seedlings of corn, cotton and soybean, turf grasses, vegetables wheat and others. See the MU Extension publication “Black Cutworms in Missouri” at for more information.

• Corn earworm moths usually start to appear in April. They produce three generations throughout the growing season, feeding primarily on corn but also damaging cotton, sorghum and soybean. For more information, see MU Extension publication, “Corn Earworm in Missouri,” at

• Brown marmorated stink bug has been in Missouri since 2013. It feeds on a variety of crops and, in large numbers, it delays senescence in soybean, resulting in “stay green syndrome,” causing additional losses at harvest. In corn, it reduces kernel quality and increases disease susceptibility. For more information, see “Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in Midwest Field Crops” at

 Corn leafhopper was first confirmed in southwest Missouri in 2024. It carries corn stunt disease, which can cause significant yield loss, says Valmorbida.

• Fall armyworm migrate north from Gulf Coast states. They feed on late-planted corn. The first wave of fall armyworm typically arrives in Missouri in late June.

• True armyworm typically feed on grass species, so pastures, wheat and corn crops are at highest risk. There are 2-3 generations per year in Missouri; larvae of the first generation usually cause the most damage. For more information, see “Managing the Armyworm Complex in Missouri Field Crops” at

• Japanese beetle populations have been growing in Missouri since 1999. They feed on corn tassels to reduce ear fill, pollination and yields. They skeletonize soybean leaves and feed on fruit trees and ornamentals. For more information, see “Biology and Management of Japanese Beetle” at

To subscribe to alerts on all or some of the monitored insects, visit the Pest Monitoring Network at  ∆

LINDA GEIST: University of Missouri

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