Eastern Missouri Livestock Auction
FEBRUARY 7, 2025 • Bowling Green, Mo.
Receipts: 479; Last Week: 708; Year Ago: 2794
Compared to last week, feeders were very lightly tested with a light offering, selling mostly in small packages and singles, but overall the better quality feeders sold right in line with last week's price ranges just not reaching some the highs as overall undertone was steady to weak. Demand was good on a light offering. Slaughter steers and heifers sold with a lower undertone on a light test with slaughter cows selling mostly 2.00-4.00 lower. Supply included: 63% Feeder Cattle (45% Steers, 46% Heifers, 9% Bulls); 37% Slaughter Cattle (7% Steers, 5% Heifers, 75% Cows, 13% Bulls). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 57%.
FEEDER STEERS:Medium and Large 1:475 $381; 576 $323-329; 577 $314; 615 $309-310; 676 $287-292; 730 $277.Medium and Large 1-2: 362 $332.50; 418 $335; 743 $268; 775 $251-268; 812 $253.
FEEDER HEIFERS:Medium and Large 1: 558 $300; 634 $269-272; 720 $257; 775 $253; 392 $332.50-337; 410 $316; 464 $316-319; 505 $287; 568 $270; 633 $264-267.
FEEDER BULLS:Medium and Large 1: 512 $347.50.Medium and Large 1-2: 439 $328-331; 548 $310; 605 $270; 888 $220.
SLAUGHTER COWS:Breaking 70-80 Percent Lean, $122.50-132, High Dressing $134-138.50, Low Dressing $111-121;Boning 80-85 Percent Lean, $121.50-131.50, High Dressing $132.50-134.50, Low Dressing $107-120; Lean 85-90 Percent Lean, $109-119, High Dressing $121-126.50, Low Dressing $96-107.
SLAUGHTER BULLS:Yield Grade 1-2: $156-167, High Dressing $172-175. ∆
SEMO Livestock Sales LLC
FEBRUARY 4, 2025 • Fruitland, Mo.
Receipts: 864; Last Week: 685; Year Ago: 1036
Compared to last week, 700 lbs steers and 300 lbs heifers and steers sold 5.00 higher, the rest of the offering sold 4.00-15.00 lower. Slaughter cows sold steady to 1.00 higher and bulls sold 3.00 higher; Demand uneven and supply moderate. Supply included: 87% Feeder Cattle (42% Steers, 41% Heifers, 17% Bulls); 12% Slaughter Cattle (83% Cows, 17% Bulls); 1% Replacement Cattle (100% Bred Cows). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 41%.
FEEDER STEERS:Medium and Large 1:276 $367-395; 328 $360-402; 356 $357-400; 430 $330-366; 465 $352-380; 519 $292-*332; 580 $300-317; 622 $290-305; 666 $275-280; 719 $250-269; 778 $240-270; 816 $240-252; 807 $262; 850 $258; 912 $248; 1088 $220; 1068 $220.
FEEDER HEIFERS:Medium and Large 1:279 $350-405; 329 $342-380; 320 $395; 373 $325-357; 390 $390; 421 $300-335; 478 $275-340; 518 $275-295; 570 $262-285; 625 $230-267; 658 $252-254; 719 $225-235; 769 $211-233; 850 $220-224; 938 $220.
FEEDER BULLS:Medium and Large 1:332 $325; 373 $351-365; 430 $325-362; 467 $314-347; 460 $382-385; 533 $282-325; 574 $270-300; 620 $264-280; 660 $250-260; 732 $230-240; 759 $220-239.
SLAUGHTER COWS:Breaking 75-80 Percent Lean,$115-126,High Dressing $126-146; Boning 80-85 Percent Lean, $109-126, High Dressing $127-142, Low Dressing $100; Lean 85-90 Percent Lean, $84.50-110, High Dressing $115-130, Low Dressing $62-75.
SLAUGHTER BULLS:Yield Grade 1-2: $125, High Dressing $131-160.
REPLACEMENT CATTLE:BRED COWS - Medium and Large 2: 1150 $1750; 1400 $1600-2000; 1274 $1450-1950.∆
Farmington Regional Stockyards
FEBRUARY 5, 2025 • Farmington, Mo.
Receipts: 1078; Last Week: 975; Year Ago: 1031
Compared to last week, steers and heifers sold steady to 9.00 higher. Slaughter cows sold steady and bulls sold 3.00 lower; Demand good and supply moderate. Supply included: 94% Feeder Cattle (53% Steers, 44% Heifers, 3% Bulls); 5% Slaughter Cattle (70% Cows, 30% Bulls); 1% Replacement Cattle (50% Bred Cows, 43% Bred Heifers, 7% Cow-Calf Pairs). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 40%.
FEEDER STEERS:Medium and Large 1:270 $400-412; 308 $392-420; 373 $385-420; 368 $425-427; 429 $355-402; 410 $430; 472 $346-370; 526 $310-345; 524 $347-357; 576 $307-328; 555 $342-347; 556 $345 $620 $280-310; 614 $320-325; 674 $289-307; 658 $305-315; 726 $257-290; 707 $305; 764 $260-265; 811 $252-262; 870 $235-262.
FEEDER HEIFERS:Medium and Large 1:280 $355-385; 348 $360; 340 $375-385; 385 $332-370; 370 $385; 428 $320-347; 412 $348-357; 483 $292-335; 450 $342; 516 $292-317; 561 $285-322; 627 $250-287; 604 $282; 616 $287; 671 $250-260; 721 $240-256; 775 $230-244.
FEEDER BULLS:Medium and Large 1:358 $355-385; 486 $340-372; 482 $321-342; 545 $280; 555 $280; 713 $230-240.
SLAUGHTER COWS:Breaking 75-80 Percent Lean, $114,High Dressing $120-129; Boning 80-85 Percent Lean, $110-117, High Dressing $120-130; Lean 85-90 Percent Lean, $100-104, High Dressing $106.
SLAUGHTER BULLS:Yield Grade 1-2: $ 131-140; High Dressing $140-150.
REPLACEMENT COWS:BRED COWS -Medium and Large 2:1265 $1500-1975; 1305 $1500-2050.
COW-CALF PAIRS:Medium and Large 2 w/ 150-300 lbs calf 1225 $1925.∆
Oklahoma National Stockyards
2501 Exchange Ave.
107 Exchange Bldg.
Oklahoma City, OK 73108
Phone: 405-235-8675
FEBRUARY 4, 2025
Receipts: 9761; Last Week: 13638; Year Ago: 12669
Compared to last week: Feeder steers and steer calves 2.00-7.00 lower except 600-700lbs 10.00-12.00 lower. Feeder heifers 3.00-7.00 lower. Heifer calves over 500lbs sharply higher, under 500lbs sharply lower. Demand moderate. Neutral Cattle Inventory Report last Friday as Beef Replacement Heifers were as expected and 99 percent of a year ago. Feeder Cattle futures trading sharply lower Monday, lending to the lower demand. Some rain fell last week but in western parts of the state it was barely measurable. Wheat pasture is in need of some moisture. Supply included: 100% Feeder Cattle (64% Steers, 35% Heifers, 1% Bulls). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 68%.
FEEDER STEERS:Medium and Large 1:325 $438-469; 367 $442-452; 358 $476; 424 $407-426; 433 $350; 468 $360-384; 537 $350-371; 573 $330-362.50; 557 $374; 625 $300-334; 677 $281-311; 718 $27294; 724 $266; 771 $264.50-281; 819 $259-276; 826 $255; 860 $254-269; 859 $271.25; 915 $250-255; 932 $247; 970 $240-242.
FEEDER HEIFERS:Medium and Large 1: 295 $427.50; 318 $395-420; 367 $362-375; 432 $338-350; 408 $365; 478 $303-335; 470 $347.50; 460 $310; 527 $308-333; 558 $306-329; 573 $281; 629 $267-280; 631 $265; 676 $256-273; 668 $280.50-284; 726 $246-263.50; 707 $250; 774 $241-256; 823 $240-243.50; 865 $242; 900 $235.
FEEDER BULLS:Medium and Large 1:318 $420; 361 $396; 432 $373-397; 463 $359; 576 $305-346.∆
Patton Junction Livestock Auction
FEBRUARY 3, 2025 • Patton, Mo.
Cattle receiving hours: Sunday 8 am - 6 pm Monday 7 am to 1 pm If you need cattle picked up please call Wayne @573-450-1954, Shelly @573-382-2431. SALES AT 12:30.
Cows must be at barn by 12:00 on Monday. Vet leaves at 1 pm
FEEDER STEERS:200-300 lbs $337-385; 300-400 lbs $393-415; 400-500 lbs $366-390; 500-600 lbs $295-320; 600-700 lbs $264-285; 700-800 lbs $217-226; 800-900 lbs $230; 900-1000 lbs $219-222.
FEEDER HEIFERS:200-300 lbs $340-367.50; 300-400 lbs $319-380; 400-500 lbs $289-320; 500-600 lbs $264-282.50; 600-700 lbs $254-278; 700-800 lbs $224-232.50; 800-900 lbs $215; 900-1000 $192-199.
BULLS:200-300 lbs $348-410; 300-400 lbs $401-450; 400-500 lbs $334-405; 500-600 ls $280-323; 600-700 lbs $266-280; 700-800 lbs $226-250; 800-900 lbs $215-220; 900-1000 $135-152.50; 1000-1100 lbs $174-205; 1100-1200 lbs $128; 1300-1400 lbs $121; 1800-1900 lbs $130.
BRED COWS:$1975-2500.
SLAUGHTER COWS:800-900 lbs $145-166; 900-1000 ls $98-121; 1000-1100 lbs $161; 1100-1200 lbs $116-150; 1200-1300 lbs $125-135; 1300-1400 lbs $129; 1400-1500 $128-131.
Greenville Livestock Auction, Inc
840 IL Route 127 South Greenville, Il 62246
Sale results for February 5th, 2025 Total receipts:587Cattle receipts:466
If you have any questions on fat cattle market callGene @ 217-331-3930 or Caleb @ 217-827-5818.
Slaughter steers and heifers traded steady on high choice and steady on low choice and selects. Holstein steers traded unevenly steady on high choice and 1.00 lower on low choice and selects. Feeder steers & heifers unevenly steady on the better quality on medium-large 1-2 (Market quotes are on mostly unvaccinated cattle)and 3.00-5.00 lower on lower quality offering medium-short 2-3. Slaughter cows traded unevenly steady on better overnight cows with good lean cows trading steady and 3.00 lower on slower cows. Slaughter bulls traded steady to 7.00 higher.
Steers: 1100-1500 lbs. Choice:200.00-205.00,High yielding:206.00-207.00,Prime lots:208.00-210.00
Heifers: 1100-1500 lbs. Choice:200.00-205.00,High yielding:206.00-207.00,Prime lots:208.00-209.00
Ang/Hol cross 1250-1500 lbs190.00-200.00
Low Choice & Select steers & heifers:188.00-195.00,Selects:180.00-195.00
Heavy wts:1675-1850 lbs.175.00-200.00Few return to feed:155.00-190.00
Holstein steers: 1300-1600 lbs. Choice:160.00-169.00,High yielding:170.00-175.00,Prime lots:176.00-178.00
Low Choice & Select Holstein steers: 150.00-160.00,Selects: 135.00-145.00
Ang/Hol cross 1250-1500 lbs190.00-200.00
Baby calves per head: Small:100.00-175.00Med-Large:No test
Holstein feeder steers: 200-400 lbs.160.00-200.00400-600 lbs. 170.00-240.00,600-1100 lbs. 140.00-190.00,thin350-700 lbs. 100.00-120.00
Beef feeder steers: 200-300 lbs.250.00-325.00,300-400 lbs.260.00-320.00,400-500 lbs.270.00-325.00,500-600 lbs.260.00-330.00,600-700 lbs.250.00-310.00,700-800 lbs.230.00-255.00
Market quotefor feeder cattle on Wednesday represents unweaned nonvaccinated calves.
Medium to Small 2-3 or bulls maybe 15.00-30.00 below quotes. The lower quality plainer feeders sell considerably lower and are not quoted.
Beef feeder heifers: 200-300 lbs.250.00-300.00,300-400 lbs.260.00-300.00,400-500 lbs.250.00-300.00,500-600lbs.250.00-300.00,600-700 lbs.210.00-259.00,700-800 lbs.200.00-235.00.
Market quotefor feeder cattle on Wednesday includes unweaned nonvaccinated calves.
Medium to small 2-3 maybe 15.00-30.00 below quotes. The lower quality plainer feeders sell considerably lower and are not quoted.
Bred cows: Small-Aged:500.00-1350.00Large & Young:1500.00-2300.00
Cow/calf pairs: Small-Med:1000.00-1800.00Large & Young:No test
Slaughter cows: Breaker:110.00-125.00,High yielding up to:130.00
Boners:110.00-130.000,High yielding up to:135.00
Lean:110.00-135.00,High yielding up to:135.00
Low yielding & thin:80.00-105.00Canners:35.00-85.00
Premium Whites & heiferettes:110.00-140.00
Slaughter bulls: Low yielding & small:110.00-140.00,High yielding:145.00-160.00Individual:166.00
These are representative sales only not every animal. Lower quality plainer animals sell considerably lower and are not quoted.∆