Watch For Insecticide Resistance With Alfalfa Weevil



A few years ago, a bioassay of alfalfa weevil larvae collected in a Central Kentucky alfalfa field showed low levels of control by a pyrethroid compared to other insecticide modes of action. In this particular instance, pyrethorids were used exclusively for alfalfa weevil control for well over a dozen years.

For alfalfa weevil, there are only four different modes of action registered. When pyrethroids lose their effectiveness, growers are left with only three modes of action to select from for this pest. So, growers must be careful to not over-use one mode of action such that the pest population in an area becomes tolerant, or even resistant, to that insecticide. Once a population becomes resistant to an insecticide or a group of insecticides, the population may stay resistant for a long period of time, even if the insecticide is not used.

Delaying / Preventing Pesticide Resistance

IPM strategies can be used to prevent or delay the development of resistance.  One key IPM strategy is to not use an insecticide unless the pest population exceeds the economic injury level on the average across an entire proposed treatment area. This means the area needs to be monitored regularly (weekly) such that samples are taken to represent the entire field. Often, with alfalfa weevil, there are pockets within a field that exceed economic thresholds, but the entire field is not above the threshold. In this instance, either the person scouting should wait and resample to determine if the threshold is crossed at a later time, or spot spray those ‘hot’ spot areas. By delaying sprays or only spraying portions of a field, natural enemies are preserved, and there is an increased opportunity for natural control.

Proper pesticide managementcan also help prevent or delay resistance. If and when insecticide sprays are needed, it is important to rotate among different modes of action. Repeated consecutive use of the same mode of action favors development of resistance to that mode of action.  Rotating among products within the same mode of action does not help and will also favor resistance. It is recommended growers rotate modes of action with each new generation of the target pest. Since alfalfa weevil has one generation per year, this means that each year, growers should rotate to a different mode of action than what was used the previous year. It is best to use 3 or more modes of action in rotation to fight the development of resistance. ∆

DR. RIC BESSIN: University of Kentucky

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