How Much Tillage Does Corn Need?
Nafziger Says None For Many
University of Illinois, Extension Agronomist,
Emerson Nafziger spoke recently about
how much tillage corn needs. “For a lot of
people the answer is none.” Nafziger explained
that the focus of corn tillage decisions should
be on what corn actually needs as opposed to
what piece of equipment do growers need to
Nafziger was speaking at Dixon Springs,
where no-till began during the 50s and 60s with
George McKibben. “Thirty years ago, when I first
came to Illinois, I thought it looked like everybody
was sort of headed to no-till, and that we
were going to find a way to make that work. At
Dixon Springs, one of the centers of where notill
started people were discovering that soil
would actually produce a crop if you didn’t till it
up and beat it to pieces every spring. That was
an important lesson for us to learn.”
Today Nafziger says there are only two reasons
to till. “The first one would be to improve the
seedbed. We can’t risk getting a good stand, and
if we need to do tillage to do that in a particular
soil for a particular reason, then that’s what we
need to do. We need to stir the surface soil
about three or four inches deep so we can place
the seed and get good seed-soil contact. The
other reason we do tillage is to improve our rooting,
increasing the chances that the roots will
get down into the soil and be able to extract
water and nutrients.”
According to Nafziger, many soils in southern
Illinois do not need tillage to improve the
seedbed. “But some do have a clay pan. It can
be a struggle to get roots through that clay pan
or to get them tapped into the water that is
there. But the pan is deep enough that we often
don’t really help ourselves very much when we
till to help break it up. It depends on the soil.
As we go farther north in Illinois, soil temperature
becomes a limiting factor in the spring and
many growers feel they need to till to get the soil
temperatures up for better establishment. That
is not a large factor here in southern Illinois. So
the answer to how much tillage does corn need,
for many growers, is none. They can get this
good seedbed and they can get a good chance
for the roots to get into the soil and tap the
water and nutrients that are there without
doing much.”
Nafziger was asked how much soil above a
hard pan is needed for a successful crop. “When
we call it a hard pan we have this vision that it
is like rock that the roots are never going to get
through. It really doesn’t work that way. Our
best hope is that some of the roots can get
through the clay pan or tap into it in a way that
will help it continue to bring water up from
below. With adequate rainfall, you need very little
soil, but soils in southern Illinois don’t provide
as much water to the crop as deeper,
darker, prairie soils would. That is both because
the soil doesn’t hold as much water and because
the roots can’t access it quite as well here.
But we can’t work miracles; if the water is not
there, the water is not there.”
Crops are able to draw on subsurface water
explained Nafziger. “When the roots are tapped
well into the soil and so have access to water
from deeper layers, corn can take it up and
make a crop even if we don’t get much rainfall.
When that happens down in these shallower
soils or the clay pan soils, often the crop goes
under stress earlier and stays under stress
longer, and that is where we start to lose the
“Some have had the idea that we can do tillage
with our large equipment to break a clay pan so
it no longer acts like one. That hasn’t worked
very where it’s been tried. Clay pans form naturally,
and they tend to reform quickly. In flatter
soils say up in south-central Illinois, we have
found that more tillage can actually allow more
water into the soil in a wet spring, and this can
sometimes lead to lower yields than under notill.
This simply reconfirms that doing only as
much tillage as needed is usually the best way
to go.”
Nafziger added, “We can’t forget the importance
of both keeping soil in place and keeping
some of our residue to keep water from evaporating
from the surface.” Δ
REGINA LAROSE: Associate Editor, MidAmerica
Farmer Grower
University of Illinois Extension Agronomist,
Emerson Nafziger, explained corn tillage decisions
and how much tillage corn needs.
Photo by John LaRose