Cover Crop Opportunities
After experiencing the
wettest spring ever, and
getting nearly 8 inches of
rain in 36 hours to set a new
July record, what are you
going to do with those acres
that didn’t get planted?
Hopefully, you have good insurance,
but now is the time
to look at some other options.
In visiting with Illinois FSA staff, it looks like
those acres can be planted in cover crops. Why?
Cover crops reduce the weed problem, don’t require
mowing, conserve and improve the soil,
maintain residue cover for compliance, and add
some nitrogen for next year. This could also be
an opportunity to do some conservation practices,
tiling and drainage improvements.
If you intend to plant a cover crop, here are
three general guidelines to stay in compliance.
NO program crops can be used, AND no horticulture
or vegetable crops can be planted. That
means no corn, soybeans, wheat or grain
sorghum can be used.
Before you plant, you must make a request to
your local FSA office to plant a cover crop, and
get approval from the county committee. You
must also submit a statement that you will not
harvest the cover crop.
To be safe, you may want to check with your
insurance company as well.
What to plant? If nitrogen is needed for a corn
crop next year, consider hairy vetch, crimson
clover or Persian clover. Each one has advantages
and disadvantages.
If you choose vetch, remember the nitrogen
levels depend on the amount of top growth, and
planting into tall, vine-like green vetch is a challenge
if you have never done it before.
Crimson and Persian clovers no-till easily and
are not difficult to control, unlike red clover.
Several farmers are planning to mix legumes
with annual ryegrass to help store some of the
nitrogen in case it winter kills. Cereal rye at 30
to 40 pounds per acre would also work. If you
are planting soybeans next year, consider cereal
rye or annual ryegrass. Spring oats will work
and will winter kill, but check with FSA first.
What are the economics? Planted this early,
hairy vetch at 12 pounds per acre, crimson
clover at 12 pounds per acre, or Persian clover at
8 pounds per acre would keep the cost below
$15 per acre. The benefits could be significant.
This year, plot results produced up to 180
pounds of nitrogen per acre by May 12.
You can see these results and other information
on our new website: . Δ
MIKE PLUMER: Extension Educator, Natural Resources
Management, University of Illinois