The Basics Of Getting A Good Corn Stand
Dr. Emerson Nafziger
Professor of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
First Question: How many seeds do we drop?
Before we talk about how to get a “perfect”
stand of corn, it helps to know what stand,
in terms of plant number, we are trying to establish.
This has been a moving target for corn,
but mostly, and appropriately, the direction of
that movement is up. The average plant stand
recorded in Illinois by the Agricultural Statistics
Reporting Service in 2006 was 28,000 plants per
acre, up about 10% since 2002 (NASS). Many
producers have increased their targeted plant
population in corn in recent years, yet still wonder,
after a year with good weather and good
yields, if thy should have set the planter for
higher populations than they did. We know that
yield response to plant population will vary depending
on conditions. Figure 1 shows, as an example,
the population responses from several
Illinois locations in 2006. Such a range of responses
is fairly typical, with yield continuing to
increase up to 40,000 plants per acre under very
good conditions, to top out in the mid-30s and
sometimes drop off at higher populations under
occasionally dry conditions, and to remain relatively
flat over a wide range under very dry conditions.
In general, though there is a risk of
losing seed cost and even some yield when conditions
are poor, there seems to be little risk, and
some reward, in raising plant populations into
the mid-30,000s in productive soils.
Second Question: How uniform does plant
spacing need to be?
One of the longest-running debates in corn
production has been on the effect of uneven
plant spacing on corn yields. This began in the
1980s, when Bob Nielsen at Purdue University
started some innovative work in which he created
very uneven stands and found that this reduced
yields. He chose to measure plant spacing
variability using the statistic “standard deviation”
(SD), which increases from zero with a perfect
stand to as much as 6 to 8 inches when
stands are very uneven—for example, when
many of the plants are present as doubles (two
plants very close together) or there are many
skips (missing plants) down the row. Measuring
the SD requires measuring the spaces between
individual plants, so it is not a quick and easy
In one of our early studies done by cooperating
farmers in field-scale strips in Illinois, we
found that faster planting speeds increased
plant spacing variability slightly, but had no effect
on yield (Table 1). Others have reported SD
values ranging from 2 to more than 4 inches,
and in a few cases SD values as high as 6 to 8
inches have been reported. Because SD values
are influenced by plant population (and vice
versa), SD values above 4 or 5 inches are almost
always associated with low stands, with a lot of
missing plants. Exceptions to this might be
when a serious planting malfunction occurs,
with a large number of doubles and skips, even
at a high population. Table 1. Effect of planting
speed on plant spacing and yield, averaged over
on-farm trials in Illinois, 1996-98.
In a more recent study, we found that thinning
plants to an even stand compared to an uneven
stand had little effect on yield, except at the intermediate
population (24,000 per acre) where
high plant spacing variability cost some yield
(Fig. 2). We think this happened because nearness
of neighbors has little effect at both low
populations, where plants have all the room they
need, or at high populations, where plants are
crowded no matter how close their neighbors
are. After a number of such investigations, most
agronomists now believe that, while perfectlyspaced
plants down the row is the ideal, there is
likely to be little yield loss under the small
amount of variability (SD values less than 3
inches or so) in plant spacing that is present in
most fields. Modern planters do a very good job
of seed distribution and placement, and this has
led to a reduction in the problem of uneven spacing,
though mistakes are still possible. As a general
rule, spending money to try to improve on a
stand that is less than perfect but within an acceptable
range probably will not increase profits
much if any.
Third Question: How uniform is emergence
and early growth, and does seed matter?
In many fields, uniformity of emergence and
plant size early in the season probably reduce
yields more than does non-uniformity of plant
spacing. Planting depth is one factor that affects
uniformity of emergence. The ideal depth may
vary some depending on soil conditions, but in
most cases planting 1.5 to 1.75 inches deep is
likely to provide the best results. Both deeper
and shallower planting tend to place seed in
less-uniform conditions, which can contribute to
unevenness in emergence time or stand loss.
If planting is done under reasonably good conditions,
emergence in a field should normally
take place over a period of less than 48 hours. In
a study we did using a seed coating designed to
delay emergence, yield decreased when the time
to emergence was delayed and the number of
days between first and last emergence was increased
(table 2). It is not possible to separate
the effects of emergence timing and uniformity
in this study, but there is other evidence that
non-uniform emergence results in plants that
are not uniform in size, and that this can result
in yield loss. Such yield loss probably occurs
when late-developing plants undergo more intense
competition from adjoining (larger) plants,
and so lose more yield than the earlier-emerging,
larger plants can compensate.
The ability of seed to emerge quickly and uniformly
is another factor that could affect emergence
and yield. While there have been
assertions that certain seed grades or seed lots
might have problems with emergence, such
problems are rarely seen. Over two years and
two locations in Illinois, different seed grades
have performed almost equally well (Table 3).
Thus we have little basis for using seed grade as
a performance factor. Some planters may distribute
certain seed sizes or grades better than
others, but it’s unlikely that seed once in the
ground differs in performance according to size.
Fourth Question: Are you giving the plant its
best chance at planting?
The cardinal rule of planting, regardless of
tillage, is to plant the seed into soil that is in
condition to provide the seed its best chance of
germinating and emerging as fast as temperatures
allow, and as uniformly down the row as
possible. But there’s more: we need to keep in
mind how the roots of the plant will grow, and
we need to manage soil conditions so that established
plants have the best chance to grow a
root system that will both anchor the plant well
and help it to tap soil water and nutrients that it
The obvious first step is to make sure that seed
is planted into soil that is loose enough to provide
good seed-soil contact, and that seed is covered
with enough soil to allow normal
development. These are critically important regardless
of tillage system, but there is a tendency
in tilled soils to bury seed too deep and to
press soil too firmly around the seed, while in
no-till the failure to cover seed adequately is a
common problem. It is important to prevent
sidewall compaction and other planter issues
that can prevent full establishment of the nodal
root system—the root system the plant comes to
depend on.
Even after plants are established, with the
nodal root system growing out into the bulk soil,
zones of soil compaction can negatively affect
root system size and shape. If the weather turns
dry, this can become a critical limitation to the
ability of the plant to take up enough water. For
example, even in the “forgiving” soils of eastern
Illinois in 2007, many producers found lower
yields in the lower-lying parts of fields. The season
was marginally dry, so we would normally
expect the lower parts of fields, with higher organic
matter, to yield more. The only plausible
reason they did the opposite was that the lower
areas were slightly wetter at planting, and that
more compaction slightly limited the ability of
the roots to take up enough water.
Summary: Getting it right
In summary, seed placement both horizontally
and vertically, into a soil environment that provides
good seed-soil contact, a good rooting
medium, and adequate plant nutrients and
water is vitally important in producing top corn
yields. Seed companies compete to develop and
deliver seed with genetic ability to emerge well
under a range of conditions, with good uniformity
and protection against soil pathogens and
insects. Equipment companies have worked to
produce planters better able to place seed at uniform
depth and to distribute seed uniformly, and
producers take care to assure that planting
takes place under good soil conditions. These
factors have combined to reduce the problem of
getting a good stand, even as planting has moved
earlier, and thus into soils that are colder on average.
Still, limitations caused at planting time
often become yield-limiting when other factors
such as weather and pests are less limiting. This
means that the need to pay attention to every detail
at planting has not diminished at all. Δ