Interaction Of Seeding Rates And Nitrogen Rates For Twin-Row Corn Production In The Mississippi Delta
Dr. M. Wayne Ebelhar
Research Professor and Agronomist, Mississippi State
Twin-row crop production systems have
begun to appear in many row-crop fields in
the Mississippi Delta especially in corn and
soybean systems. Producers have made the decision
to invest in equipment that is capable of
planting corn or soybean in dual rows (8 to 10 in
apart) on the crown of traditional raised beds
spaced at 38 to 40 inches. A multiple-year program
was initiated in 2005 with an innovative
producer near Stoneville, MS to evaluate the interaction
of nitrogen (N) rates (180, 220, and 260
lb N/ac) and seeding rates (24,380 to 40,360
seeds/ac) for twin-row corn on 38-in beds. The
producer-field study consisted of a 3x5 factorial
arrangement of N rates and seeding rates with
four replications. The study was planted each
year on a Bosket very fine sandy loam soil (Mollic
hapludalf), following cotton (2005-2007) or
corn (2008), with a MonosemJ twin-row vacuum
planter. The study was rotated to follow other
crops in 2005, 2006, and 2007 and followed
corn in 2008. Seeding rates were based on calibration
tables supplied by the planter manufacturer
and modified prior to the 2008 season.
Stand counts, made each year near the time of
sidedress N application, indicated that final
stands were higher than expected each year.
Damage from high winds and rainfall associated
with Hurricane Katrina prevented any yield determinations
in 2005. The dry conditions experienced
in 2006 were offset by irrigation and
corn yields were excellent. There was significant
response to increasing N rates and increasing
seeding rates. Grain yields averaged 249, 252
and 255 bu/ac for the increasing N rates when
adjusted to 15.5 % moisture. Grain yields
ranged from 222 bu/ac up to 272 bu/ac for the
increased seeding rates. Each incremental increase
in seeding rate provided a significant increase
in grain yield. While both increased N rate
and increased seeding rate significantly increased
grain yield, only increased seeding rates
provide a significant economic return. The 2007
growing season also produced excellent corn
grain yields. There was a significant response to
increasing N rates and seeding rates again in
2007. In 2007, the yields were 245, 246, and
249 bu/ac for the 180, 220, and 260 lb/ac N
rates, respectively when averaged across seeding
rates. These small differences, even though
statistically significant, were not economically
significant. In 2007, each increase in seeding
rate resulted in a subsequent significant increase
in grain yield. The yields were 229, 242,
249, 254, and 259 bu/ace for the respective
seeding rates. Stand counts in both 2006 and
2007 showed that actual plant populations were
higher than the planter book calibrations. With
higher populations than anticipated based on
calibration tables, producers could be spending
more for planting seed than needed. However,
based on this study for the cultivars considered,
increased planting rates have been beneficial
and cost effective. Lodging has not posed a
problem since the 2005 growing season.
In 2008, corn was grown in the same field as
2007 which meant that corn followed corn rather
than some other rotation crop. Monosem™ provided
an updated calibration table for 2008 that
showed about a 8 to10% increase in seeding rate
with the same settings used in previous years.
Stand counts taken in 2008 showed that these
seeding rates more closely paralleled actual
plant populations and ranged from 28,200 to
43,960 plants/ac. Corn yields in 2008 were
lower than harvested in previous years and
ranged from 208 to 225 bu/ac. Increasing seeding
rates above 37,000 plants/ac did not significantly
increase grain yields. Contributing
factors probably included a different corn cultivar,
corn following corn, and a different growing
season. Slow field drying conditions and periods
of unusually high humidity and cloudiness resulted
in below average seed quality. There was
also no yield advantaged to N rates above 220 lb
N/ac as would be expected at the lower yield levels.
On-farm evaluations with twin-row corn production
have led to several recommendations
that are keys to successful implementation of
the practice. Good beds that are shaped and
firm provide the ideal situation for early, uniform
stand establishment. Rollers equipped with middle
busters are able to clean the furrows and
firm the tops of the beds. The firm and level surface
makes it easier to control the planting depth
of each row and assures both rows emerging and
growing at the same rate. A row off to the side of
the row could emerge late or not emerge at all
due to poor soil to seed contact. Delays in development
are compounded through the growing
season as one row becomes dominant to the
other. Also, rows planted too near the edge of
the bed, can have plants with mal-formed brace
roots that can contribute to root lodging. Nitrogen
applications are needed on both side of the
row to insure adequate fertility to both rows. The
same is true of irrigation with water needed
down every row. In conventional systems, some
producers choose to water non-traffic middles
only, rather than each row middle. With twinrow
planting systems, ground cover is achieved
more quickly with less opportunity to cross the
field after the crop is planted compared to traditional
wide rows (38- to 40-in). In soybean production,
the twin-row system provides yield
advantages of 8 to 12% or more compared to single-
row production systems. Research is still
underway to determine how much yield advantage
twin-row seeding has to single-row seeding
for corn. Increasing seeding rates to increase
grain yields has been shown in the Mississippi
Delta on traditional cotton soils. In single-row,
wide-row productions systems, increasing seeding
rates tend to produce smaller stalks with less
overall stalk strength that lodge more readily.
Some cultivars have the ability to withstand
higher plant populations that can produce
higher yields. The next step in the process will
be to identify commercially available cultivars
that stand with higher plant populations. Δ