Reminder About Fall Nitrogen Application
A lot of anhydrous is "fall applied" in our
area. Exactly when that fall application
should occur is a question that many often
forget to ask during the busy months of autumn.
When and how should that fall nitrogen
be applied? The recommendations have
changed and area producers need to know the
“what and why” of those changes.
The University of Illinois and the Illinois Fertilizer
and Chemical Association now recommend
fall nitrogen applications only after
four-inch soil temperatures have reached 50 degrees.
Additionally, the University and IFCA no
longer recommend fall applied anhydrous
minus a nitrification inhibitor. This is a significant
change over past nitrogen recommendations.
In the past, the U of I recommended fall
applications with an inhibitor at 60 degrees and
fall applications minus an inhibitor at 50 degrees
not before the third week of October.
Why should fall anhydrous only be applied
with an inhibitor and why should it not be applied
before temperatures have dropped to 50?
Following application anhydrous ammonia is
rapidly transformed into NH4, termed ammonium,
which has a positive charge and is held
tightly by the soil.
The upper seven inches of the soil contain two
microorganisms that create nitrogen application
concerns. The first is a bacteria termed nitrosomonas
and the second is a bacteria referred
to as nitrobacter. Nitrosomonas bacteria change
ammonium into a chemical termed nitrite. Nitrobacter
bacteria change nitrite into a material
termed nitrate.
Nitrate has two very severe problems associated
with it. First, the material can be lost as
percolating water leaches it from the soil because
the chemical is not held by the soil very
well. Secondly, the material can go through another
process in which it is transformed into
one of many gases that are lost to the atmosphere.
Either way, the process of anhydrous
being transformed into nitrate eventually means
lost nitrogen for the following year's crop. Additionally,
this loss of nitrogen has been popularly
connected with environmental concerns, and
this means that nitrogen applications may be
strictly regulated someday.
Nitrification inhibitors kill nitrosomonas bacteria.
As a result, nitrification inhibitors slow
down the process by which anhydrous, the stable
form of nitrogen, is changed to easily lost nitrogen.
However, the bacteria responsible for
the loss of applied nitrogen eventually recover.
This means that if nitrogen is applied too early
– a substantial portion will still be lost even
when it is applied with an inhibitor because “nitrogen
feeding” bacteria recover too soon.
The U of I and IFCA believe that these new
guidelines provide the right parameters to
"knock down" denitrifying bacteria long enough
to reduce substantial nitrogen loss. By waiting
until 50 degrees and using a nitrification inhibitor,
farmers can save money and they may
just also do their part to avoid future regulation.