Testing Can Pinpoint Nutrient Deficiencies
Micronutrient sampling can help farmers
determine the need for and the right
amount of a nutrient that’s needed to
raise a crop, according to Dr. Greg Schwab, University
of Kentucky Extension Soil Specialist.
Too often producers will just apply a fertilizer,
and the result is they’re wasting time and
“Most of the time when you try to correct ‘just
whatever,’ you’re spending a lot of money for
nutrients that you don’t need,” he said. “The
thrust of this message is to decide what you
need and get that applied rather than just taking
a broad spectrum and trying to cover everything
He said that micronutrient deficiencies are not
very common in grain crops grown in Kentucky.
There are a few known deficiencies and there
are some that are suspect. The one that happens
most often is zinc deficiency in corn.
“I see a lot of
guys blaming zinc
for striped leaves,
which you see
early in the
spring,” Schwab
noted. “Zinc deficiency
does cause
striped leaves, but
the striping generally
goes all the
way across the
veins. Even the
veins in this area
are white or very
pale in color, you
don’t see light
green, dark green,
light green, dark
green, every vein is
standing out dark
“When you see
the light green, dark green, light green, dark
green, like we saw this spring, most likely that’s
not zinc deficiency. This pattern is generally
caused by cold weather or lack of nitrogen or
magnesium uptake, or something like that. If
you have severe zinc deficiency, the corn plants
are going to be stunted. I’ve seen corn that’s tasselled
and about waist high. It has a rosette appearance
and is stunted, with shortened
Another one commonly seen is manganese deficiency
in soybeans, Schwab explained. This
occurs in river bottom ground on the wetter
parts of the landscape. The wet soils occur
through the winter months, the manganese is
reduced during those wet conditions. There’s no
oxygen there and the manganese can leach out
of profile and cause the soybeans growing in
these wet areas in the field to look very light
“Those are the two common deficiency symptoms
we see sometimes in Kentucky,” he said.
Most of the time, zinc deficiency is caused by
low soil test zinc, but sometimes by too much
phosphorus or too high soil pH. Farmers who
put on more phosphorus than needed to try to
keep the soil tests up real high may be causing
zinc deficiency to occur in corn.
“So the higher the phosphorus level is, the
higher the soil test zinc level needs to be,” he
said. “These are common, we probably don’t
need tissue sampling to identify some of these
kinds of deficiencies; but the question always is
‘I got a crop that looks normal, am I missing
something?’ and that’s where tissue sampling
becomes important.”
Schwab distributed a new publication entitled
Sampling Plant Tissue for Nutrient Analysis that
discusses tissue sampling and included tables
to explain comparisons.
“Those are all micronutrients the plants need
a lot of, and if you notice we have corn and we
have different stages of corn,” he pointed out.
“What you sample is the most important part of
the test. On corn, the best time to sample is
when its tasselling. When the pollen is shedding
that’s the best time to be in the corn field. When
you go out to the corn field the tassels have just
emerged what you want to do is pick the ear
leaf. The leaf that is connected to the ear, this is
what you submit to the lab.”
Since the nutrient content is different in every
leaf of the plant, the particular ear leaf is the
one preferred for testing. All of the data whether
it’s high, low, or medium, is calibrated to this
leaf. That’s why tasseling is the best time to
sample because this leaf is easy to identify.
If the grain has already started to fill, the leaf
would test low, because the plant has already
started to move nutrients out of the leaf and
into the ear.
“You want to catch it before any grain starts to
form, right at tasselling,” Schwab said. “That
will give you a very accurate analysis of whether
there’s something that’s deficient.”
“On soybeans it’s a little trickier,” Schwab
said. “You harvest the uppermost mature trifoliate
for testing. To do that, you look at the
plant, figure out the uppermost mature trifoliate,
take that part and send it to the lab. You
need 30 to 40 of these others,” he said showing
the soybean leaves. “You sample a field just like
you would soil sample. If I take only one plant,
that’s going to tell me only the status of that
plant; so I want to go out and get random samples.
When I’m walking through a soybean field
I’m just looking for the big leaves that are at the
very top of the canopy, that’s almost always the
right leaf to take.”
Nutrient content will change as you change
position on the plant. A lot of micronutrient
work has been done in Russell county and the
soils in Russell are quite a bit different than in
Western Kentucky. They can be very deficient,
more like Alabama soils than Kentucky soils.
Schwab further explained a trial conducted in
Russell county last year. Showing the soil test
levels, he noted the only thing that really stands
out is the zinc level is pretty low.
“Phosphorus levels are pretty high, we suspected
this field might be suffering from zinc deficiency,
so we put out some treatments,” he
said. “The farmer fully fertilized the field and
then we added potassium, zinc, sulfur, boron
and then we added a combination of all of those
nutrients. All the fertilizer treatments were
added shortly after planting, just when the corn
was spiking. Later, we went back in and did tissue
analysis at the ear leaf time, right at tasselling;
and, low and behold, sulfur was
deficient on the check plots, boron was deficient
on every plot except the plot that needed boron,
and zinc was deficient on several of the plots, so
at this time I’m excited. I might find one of those
illusive nutrient crop responsive sights to micronutrients,
I thought.”
At harvest time there were surprises. The primary
ear on the treatments that didn’t receive
boron fertilizer were not well pollinated, but the
secondary ear appeared normal. Yields were
not statistically different between any of the
treatments likely because of the severe drought.
We’re repeating this study again this year with
a couple of other elements too. We have some
copper treatments in that study as well.”
There also were soybean trials at a site very
close by and the soybean tissue nutrient levels
were below the critical level for both boron and
zinc in the plots not receiving those fertilizers.
“If we added boron, there was almost four
times as much boron in the leaf tissue as what
we had without adding boron,” he said. “The
rate of boron used was only one pound per acre.
We do this as a pure chemical, so it’s literally
like shaking salt on the soil plot. One pound per
acre of actual boron is not very much. Boron is
one of those that you have to be very careful
with because the difference between deficiency
and toxicity, enough to kill the plant, is just a
few pounds per acre.”
On zinc there was good zinc tissue data response
in the soybeans as well. The bottom line
is it was too dry to make these differences show
up in yields.
Schwab and his crew repeated the soybean
study in 2009 and will repeat it again in the
2010 growing season.
The University of Kentucky does not offer
plant analysis; producers wanting this test
must choose a private lab.
Schwab showed a plant tissue analysis of a
soybean sample which showed potassium to be
very low.
“Does that mean I needed more potassium fertilizer?”
he asked. “It needs more potassium uptake
but it’s your job to figure out why it didn’t
take it up. It could be low soil test levels, it could
be compaction, it could be the plant drowned
out; it could be a lot of things, so just because
you see low levels doesn’t necessarily mean that
you needed more of that fertilizer.
“So my take home message is that the University
of Kentucky is actively looking for ways to
improve crop growth and yield including the
possibility of using micronutrients. Because micronutrient
deficiencies are relatively rare, foliar
fertilizers that use the strategy of supplying a
low rate of a wide number of micronutrients
rarely are an economical way to improve yield.
Using a combination of soil and tissue analysis,
we can improve our odds of identifying the most
limiting nutrient and then take steps to remedy
the specific deficiency.” Δ
Writer, MidAmerica Farmer Grower
Schwab says what you sample is the most important part
of the micronutrient testing. On corn, the best time
to sample is when its tasselling. The ear leaf that
is connected to the ear is what you submit to the lab.
Photo by John LaRose, Jr.