Southern Rust Of Corn Observed In Illinois
Southern rust of corn has
now been observed in different
areas of Illinois.
Southern rust is one of two
different rust diseases of corn
that can be observed in the
state (the other is known as
common rust). Because
nearly every corn hybrid
grown is susceptible to southern rust, yield reductions
can occur if infection takes place early
enough in the season. Late-planted corn fields
are at the highest risk for yield losses associated
with southern rust and should be scouted for
the presence of this disease. Warm and humid
conditions are most favorable for the southern
rust pathogen infection and disease spread.
It is important to be able to differentiate
southern rust from common rust, since the latter
generally is not considered a threat to yellow
dent corn hybrids because most are fairly resistant
to common rust. Southern rust pustules
generally are smaller than common rust pustules
and are orange in color compared to cinnamon-
brown in color for common rust.
Southern rust pustules tend to be more densely
scattered than common rust pustules and more
chlorosis (yellowing) around the pustules generally
will be observed with southern rust.
Because nearly every corn hybrid is susceptible
to southern rust, foliar fungicides are the
only management tool available. If corn plants
are at the R3 development stage (milk stage) or
beyond, then it is less likely that southern rust
will cause yield loss; however, on late-planted
fields that are not yet at that stage, it is important
to continue to scout those fields for southern
rust. A southern corn rust observation map
for the United States is available through the
the IPM PIPE system
(; however, southern
rust may be present in counties that are not
highlighted on the observation map. Δ
DR. CARL BRADLEY: Associate Professor, University
of Illinois
Pustules of common rust (left) and southern rust (right) on corn leaves. Note that southern rust pustules are lighter in color.
Southern rust pustules beginning to form. Note the chlorotic
(yellow) tissue around the pustules.