Use Of Strobilurin Fungicides By Top-Yielding Corn Producers In 2012
Fungicides in the strobilurin class (or
“strobi” class) are highly effective products
for control of certain important corn diseases.
Brand names such as Headline®,
Quadris®, Stratego®, Evito®, Fortix® and Approach
® contain strobilurin fungicides1. Strobilurin
fungicides are excellent for preventative
control of gray leaf spot, northern leaf blight,
and southern rust, all of which are concerns in
Kentucky corn production.
According to the2012 National Corn Yield
Contest results (report available at:, 40 percent of top-yielding
producers2 used a foliar strobilurin fungicide at
least once in their contest-winning field. Of
course, of this also means that 60 percent of the
top-yielding producers did not apply a foliar
fungicide treatment in their contest-winning
If we look at the 2012 Kentucky Yield Contest
results (at,
we find that only one of nine Kentucky winners
used a foliar spray of a strobilurin fungicide in
the contest-winning field.
The above indicates that high-yield corn producers
sometimes – though not always – perceive
a benefit from applying a strobilurin
fungicide in high-yield fields. Some of the national
winners reported applying fungicide in
order to reduce stress on crops, whereas others
reported applying them for disease control.
Strobilurin fungicides do sometimes promote
growth and leaf health even in the absence of
significant disease pressure, and this can sometimes
result in an economic benefit (even a very
substantial one). However, these stress-reducing
and growth-promoting effects are variable
from field to field and year to year, ranging from
a yield loss of 5+ bushels to a 20+ bushel yield
increase. Given that many of the national winners
that applied fungicide farm in states with
high humidity, we suspect a substantial number
of them applied fungicide for reasons of disease
control (though we don’t know for sure,
since survey data are unavailable).
What does this mean for producers?
Strobilurin fungicides are effective sometimes,
but cost money when they are not. Disease risk
is still the best guidance for deciding whether a
strobilurin application might provide an economic
return. Figure 1 provides a summary of
disease risk factors. The more of these that are
in place, the more likely a producer is to see an
economic benefit. For example, it may make
sense to apply a strobilurin to a bottom field
under irrigation, or a field of corn-after-corn
under conservation tillage.
Since crop response to strobilurin fungicides
can be so variable, there is no substitute to running
your own strip trials. Extension agents
can provide guidelines on ways to optimize the
information you get from a strip trial. Always
be sure to leave agronomically similar untreated
control strips for comparison.
1 Note: Strobilurin fungicides include pyraclostrobin
(the active ingredient in Headline®),
azoxystrobin (the a.i. in Quadris®), trifloxystrobin
(one of two a.i.’s in Stratego®), fluoxastrobin
(the a.i. in Evito® and one of the two a.i.’s
in Fortix®), picoxystrobin (the a.i. in Approach®),
and several other pre-mix fungicides.
2 The report provides state-by-state results for
anywhere from one to three growers in each production
class. All of these were included in our
count. Δ
Extension Plant Pathologists, University of
DR. CHAD LEE: Extension Agronomist, University
of Kentucky
Figure 1. Decision guide for determining the likelihood of en economic response to foliar strobilurin fungicide in corn in Kentucky. The
higher on the list, the more important the factor.