Considerations With (Very) Early-Season Weed Management
The mild winter and current above-normal
air temperatures might impact weed management
in 2012, according to Aaron
Hager, associate professor of weed science at
the University of Illinois.
The mild winter has resulted in an abundance
of winter annual weed vegetation growing in
fields across the state. “Survivorship over the
winter months of weeds that emerged last fall
was undoubtedly higher than usual, and the recent
stretch of warm air temperatures has
prompted these weeds to resume
growth several weeks
ahead of schedule,” said
There are many good reasons
to start taking action
against these weeds. “The
higher-than-normal air temperatures
and abundant
sunshine we currently are
experiencing promote good
activity of burndown herbicides,”
Hager explained. “Soil
conditions across much of
the state are conducive for
pre-plant tillage operations
that can effectively control
winter annual weeds.”
Ideally, weed management
plans should control existing
vegetation before viable seeds
are produced. Under current
conditions, seed production
is likely to occur sooner than
normal. Early elimination of
winter annual weeds also
reduces the oviposition sites
of insects such as the black
One species of particular
concern this spring is
horseweed (a.k.a.
marestail). Like other annual
plant species, it completes
its life cycle in one
year. Unlike many other annual
species, however,
horseweed can exist as a
winter or summer annual.
Populations of winter annual
horseweed typically
emerge in the fall, a few
days or weeks after seed is
dispersed from the parent
plant (Figure 1). Summer
annual populations emerge
in spring or perhaps as late
as early summer. In northern
Illinois, most horseweed
has a winter annual life
cycle. Spring emergence in
Illinois is more common
south of Interstate 70. Plants with both winter
and summer annual life cycles can be found
across central Illinois.
“Glyphosate-resistant populations of horseweed
are common in southern Illinois, and we
are concerned that glyphosate-resistant populations
are becoming increasingly common
across central Illinois,” said Hager. Anecdotal
observations during the late summer months of
2011 revealed that horseweed was present in
many central Illinois soybean fields (Figure 2).
“Although we did not screen any of these
horseweed populations for resistance to
glyphosate, we still encourage weed management
practitioners across central Illinois to be
aware that glyphosate resistance does occur in
Illinois horseweed populations,” Hager said.
Burndown of glyphosate-resistant horseweed
requires alternative herbicides or tank-mixing
other herbicides with glyphosate.
“If you suspect that you have glyphosate-resistant
horseweed, you might consider adjusting
your burndown herbicide program before an
application is made to increase the likelihood of
achieving complete control before planting,”
said Hager. “Regardless of whether or not a
horseweed population is resistant to glyphosate,
it is advisable to control horseweed before
plants exceed four to six inches in height.”
Soil conditions currently are conducive for
pre-plant tillage operations, and many farmers
are taking advantage of these unseasonable
conditions to prepare fields for planting. Tillage,
coupled with the increasing soil temperatures,
can promote seed germination of summer annual
weed species.
“If tillage is done in mid-March without applying
soil-residual herbicides within a few days of
the last tillage operation, be sure to scout for
emergence of summer annual weed species
prior to planting,” said Hager. “If summer annual
species have emerged before corn is
planted, consider including a herbicide that has
burndown activity when applying a soil-residual
Reduced rates of soil-residual herbicides applied
in mid-March are less likely to provide
much residual control of summer annual weed
species after crop emergence. “If a soil-residual
herbicide is applied this early to fields where
corn will be planted, consider applying the full
recommended rate for the particular soil type,”
Hager advised.
Another way to increase the duration of residual
weed control following planting is to split the
application of the soil-residual herbicide, applying
perhaps 50 to 60 percent now or sometime
before planting and applying the remainder before
summer annual weed species emerge. It is
best to control winter annual weeds in fields to
be planted to soybean as soon as possible, but
extended residual control of summer annual
weeds is more likely when soil-residual herbicides
are applied closer to planting. Δ