Black Cutworm Moths Abundant And On The Move
Over the past several
weeks, black cutworm
moths have been captured
in pheromone traps by
cooperators throughout much
of Illinois. This is not surprising
given the significant winds
from the south and southwest
throughout much
of March that resulted in record breaking
warmth for the month.
This pattern has persisted into early
April, and consequently many fields
across southern and central Illinois
have been planted and are beginning
to emerge. Corn in the 1- to 4-
leaf stages of development is most
susceptible to cutting by black cutworm
I urge producers to look for early
signs of leaf-feeding injury that
could signal potential cutting of
plants by black cutworm in the near
future. Even if you planted a Bt hybrid,
don’t be lulled into complacency.
Under heavy infestations,
control afforded by some Bt hybrids
may be inadequate. Intense captures
of moths (9 or more caught
over 1 to 2 days) were reported by
University of Illinois Extension’s
Dale Baird (Lee County) on March 24
and John Fulton (county director,
Logan, Menard, and Sangamon
counties) on March 30. Jim Morrison,
a retired crop systems extension
educator, reported 16 moths were
caught on April 2—the earliest and
most significant capture in many
years, he noted.
Fields most at risk for black cutworm
injury include those heavily infested
with winter annual weeds.
Favorite weed targets for egg-laying
black cutworm moths include
mouse-eared chickweed, bitter cress,
shepherd’s purse, yellow rocket, and
pepper grass.
I encourage you to visit the North
Central IPM PIPE web page at
apps.csi.iastate. edu/pipe/?c=entry
to view captures of black cutworm
moths that cooperators have reported.
Kelly Estes, state survey coordinator
at the Illinois Natural
History Survey, coordinates the collection
of these data. She says that
trapping will be reported at the website
throughout the summer for additional insect
pests, including European corn borer, corn
earworm, western bean cutworm, and fall armyworm.
For more information about the biology
and life history of the black cutworm, along with
scouting procedures, please see extension.
cropsci.illinois. edu/content/ black-cutworm. Δ
DR. MICHAEL GRAY: Professor Crop Sciences,
University of Illinois
Seedling stage corn in the 1 to 4-leaf stage remains susceptible to cutting by black
cutworms (Champaign County, April 4).
Fields infested with winter annual weeds aremost susceptible to egglaying by black
cutworm moths (Champaign County, April 4).