Fall Armyworm Moth Captures Soars:
The largest-ever recorded capture of fall
armyworm moths occurred during the week
ending on Aug. 27 in the Integrated Pest
Management traps at the University of Kentucky
Research and Education Center in
Princeton. Grain crops and alfalfa/grass forage
producers should be on alert for the first appearance
of caterpillars, which should occur in
the next week or two, said Doug Johnson, extension
entomologist with the University of Kentucky
College of Agriculture.
Trap counts on Aug. 27 were 1,038 moths.
This is a phenomenal increase from 52 moth
captures the week before. In the 15 years the
IPM traps have been collected in Princeton, the
second-highest number of moth counts came in
at 326 for the week of Oct. 5, 2007, which was
an outbreak year.
“It is always possible that nothing unusual
will happen, but fall armyworm damage to forage
fields has already occurred in at least four
Western Kentucky counties this season,” he
While Western Kentucky trap count numbers
are extremely high, the moth captures in Lexington
have remained low.
The fall armyworm is a pest that migrates to
Kentucky from the South each summer, usually
arriving in late June or early July. While fall
armyworms are typically not a major pest, they
cause the greatest damage in late-planted corn,
grain sorghum, alfalfa and double-crop soybeans.
Due to the timing of this large capture,
grasses and alfalfa-especially newly seeded
stands, late-maturing beans and wheat
seedlings will be at the greatest risk of infestation.
While it is a pest of cattle and horse pastures,
the fall armyworm should not affect horses. It
should not be confused with the eastern tent
caterpillar that causes mare reproductive loss
syndrome. Fall armyworms appear in Kentucky
only in late summer and fall. Eastern tent
caterpillars appear in the spring. A third
caterpillar species, the fall webworm, might
cause additional confusion. It produces silken
webs in trees that some people might mistake
for those of the eastern tent caterpillar. Again
fall webworms appear in the late summer and
fall, not in the spring, Johnson said.
Forage and soybean producers should
closely monitor their fields for this pest.
Wheat producers may likely avoid any significant
damage by planting after the Hessian fly
free date. It is likely too late in the growing
season for fall armyworms to cause damage
to corn or grain sorghum.
Early detection is the key to fighting this
pest. The pest varies in color from light tan to
black with three yellow stripes down its back.
The middle stripe is usually darker and the
ones on each side are wavy and yellow-red
blotched. Fall armyworm has a dark head with
a light-colored, inverted “Y” mark on front.
If producers find significant populations of the
fall armyworm in their fields, they can apply an
insecticide. A list of insecticides for various
crops is located in the 2010 Insect Management
Recommendations for Field Crops and Livestock,
which is accessible online at
html. Johnson cautioned against making
any preventative insecticide applications, as
these could harm beneficial insects that naturally
control the fall armyworm.
Captures of adult corn earworm moths, also
known as the soybean podworm, also rose dramatically
in Princeton, but their increase wasn’t
as phenomenal as the fall armyworm. The corn
earworm moth trap count for the week ending
Aug. 27 was 484, which is up from 82 during
the Aug. 20 trap week.
“In the nearly 18 years of monitoring this pest,
this is the second-largest capture with the
largest being 525 in August 2001,” Johnson
While it is too late in the season for corn earworm
to do any significant damage to corn or
grain sorghum, the pest will also feed on soybean
pods and seeds. Like the fall armyworm,
the moths should turn into caterpillars in a
week or two. Soybean producers, especially
those with late-maturing varieties, should scout
their fields for this pest.
“Corn earworm is difficult to scout, as it does
not feed to any great extent on soybean leaves,”
Johnson said. “One has to get into the plants
and look directly at the pods to find this pest.”
Corn earworms are tan to pale green with several
dark stripes down the back. But some vary
in color and may look almost black. Adults are
usually about 1 to 1.5 inches long.
Should corn earworm populations infest soybeans,
producers and consultants are advised
to check their fields at least once a week. The
economic threshold for corn earworm in soybeans
is two worms per row foot of beans in 30-
foot rows. Since most Kentucky grown soybeans
are in 15-foot rows, this number would need to
be somewhat higher because of the increased
plant population. Alternatively, one might use a
15-inch sweep net when rows are 15 inches or
narrower. The research is not yet solid on this
threshold, but a capture of three to four worms
per 10 sweeps would warrant consideration of
Weekly trap counts and graphs of both insects
are available on the UK IPM website at
http://www.uky.edu/Ag/IPM/ipm.htm. Δ