What Do Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds Mean For You?
State Extension
Weed Scientist
Kristin Payne
Graduate Research Assistant, Div. Plant Sciences
Perhaps no single event in the history of agriculture
has changed weed management to the
extent that Roundup Ready crops have. In
2009, approximately 89% of the soybean
acreage, 70 to 80% of the cotton acreage, and at
least 40 to 50% of the corn acreage was planted
with Roundup Ready varieties in Missouri. It
seems clear from our increasing adoption of
Roundup Ready crops over the past decade that
most of our acreage will be in some kind of continuous
Roundup Ready cropping system at
least in the foreseeable future, whether it be
Roundup Ready soybean followed by Roundup
Ready corn, or Roundup Ready soybean followed
by Roundup Ready cotton. This scenario represents
a tremendous selection pressure that will
continue to be placed on weeds to develop resistance
to glyphosate.
In recent years a number of glyphosate-resistant
weed biotypes have been identified in Missouri
and surrounding states. These resistant
species have been identified primarily in locations
where a Roundup Ready crop, most often
soybean or cotton, has been planted continuously
without rotation and where repeated applications
of glyphosate have been made year
after year. Some of the more recent examples of
these species include glyphosate-resistant
horseweed or marestail, common ragweed, giant
ragweed, palmer amaranth, and waterhemp.
In my opinion, the increasing number of sites
in which we have identified glyphosate resistance
in either waterhemp or palmer amaranth
should be very concerning for soybean growers
in Missouri. The pigweeds (i.e., waterhemp and
palmer amaranth) are some of our most common
and troublesome weeds encountered in soybean
production and have shown their ability to adapt
to other herbicide chemistries (ALS-inhibitors,
PPO-inhibitors, triazine herbicides) in the past.
In a targeted survey we conducted last year, we
identified 45 separate glyphosate- resistant waterhemp
populations across 28 counties in Missouri
(Figure 1). Although there weren’t many
samples taken from the boot heel region, we also
identified both glyphosate- resistant waterhemp
and glyphosate-resistant palmer amaranth populations
in Scott and Mississippi counties, respectively
(Figure 1).
So, if you have or suspect you have a
glyphosate-resistant weed present what can you
do about it? First, if you decide to stay with soybeans
you must rotate to an alternative herbicide
that is effective on your resistant weed
species and acts at a site-of-action different from
glyphosate. In soybeans, this usually means
you will need to use a preemergence herbicide.
In our research, we have observed that preemergence
soybean herbicide treatments like
AuthorityFirst and the other Authority-based
products, Sonic, Prefix, Boundary, Dual II Magnum,
and Valor will all provide good control of
glyphosate-resistant waterhemp, although a
postemergence follow-up treatment will usually
be required due to the nature of waterhemp germination.
In addition to these preemergence herbicide
options, the postemergence
PPO-inhibiting herbicides like Phoenix, Cobra,
Ultra Blazer, Flexstar, etc. should also provide
good control of glyphosate- resistant waterhemp
and palmer amaranth in soybeans, but there are
some PPO-resistant pigweed populations still
present in Missouri so in these situations applications
of these herbicides would also be ineffective.
Another option if you decide to stay with
soybeans is to utilize LibertyLink soybeans and
Ignite. However, even if a grower chooses to utilize
this new technology, I would still start with
a preemergence herbicide and follow this with a
timely application of Ignite.
Second, if you have a glyphosate-resistant
weed like waterhemp or palmer pigweed you can
rotate away from soybeans altogether. For example,
rotate to a conventional corn hybrid and
use alternative herbicides in this system for at
least one year or perhaps two in an attempt to
reduce the glyphosate-resistant weed seedbank.
In our research with glyphosate-resistant waterhemp,
we have found that most prepackaged
atrazine mixtures will provide excellent control
of glyphosate-resistant waterhemp in corn. Additionally,
we have observed excellent control of
glyphosate-resistant waterhemp in corn with
postemergence herbicides like Distinct, Status,
Callisto, Impact, and others.
Glyphosate and Roundup Ready crops have
simplified weed management in soybeans dramatically
over the past decade. They have enabled
us, for the most part, to achieve excellent
weed control at an economical price. In order to
preserve the utility of this technology, growers
must be willing to adapt and change their practices
when situations like glyphosate resistance
arise. In fields where glyphosate-resistant weeds
are suspected or are present in only small areas,
paying a little more now through the use of an
alternative herbicide or different cropping system
will be much better than allowing these
weeds to proliferate and develop into a much bigger
problem in the long run. Δ
DR. KEVIN BRADLEY: Assoc. Professor, Div.
Plant Sciences and State Extension Weed Scientist,
University of Missouri
KRISTIN PAYNE: Graduate Research Assistant,
Div. Plant Sciences, University of Missouri