Insects Abundant On Corn And Soybean Plants
Thresholds Mean Little; Farmers Should Scout Often & Treat Early, MU Entomologist Says
Higher numbers of several crop pests are accumulating
in fields across Missouri, posing
new threats to late-planted corn and
soybean and undermining traditional treatment
thresholds, said Wayne Bailey, University of
Missouri Extension entomologist.
While the black cutworm menace is over, corn
earworms, stinkbugs, Japanese beetles,
bean leaf beetles, burrower bugs and fall
armyworms are now out in abundance
and can rapidly defoliate plants. Farmers
should closely monitor fields for insect
damage and take prompt action to avoid
major losses, Bailey said.
“We have a situation where thresholds
don’t fit very well,” he said. “Because we
planted so late, most corn and soybeans
are very small. With all the other setbacks
this season, we want to protect as
much of the foliage as we can.”
Dailey recommends that farmers spray
if the amount of defoliation makes them
uncomfortable. “Don’t feel like you have
to wait for damage to reach threshold levels,”
he said. “If it’s at the level where you
can’t stand to get any more plants damaged,
go ahead and treat.”
Corn earworm and stinkbug populations
are particularly high. Both pests
are generalist feeders on corn, soybean
and other crops. Over a seven-day period,
MU Extension field staff caught 540 earworms
in Callaway County, 148 in Boone
County and 95 in Audrain County. Over
a three-day period, 141 were caught in
traps at the MU Delta Research Center in
Portageville, New Madrid County.
“These are things we need to keep our
eye on,” said MU Extension integrated
pest management associate Steven Kirk,
who manages the trap counts.
Stinkbugs are proliferating and are
more widely dispersed in fields than
usual. Damage has been rapid, with 10
to 15 percent of plants already injured in
some fields, Bailey said. Stinkbug damage
often takes a few days to show up and can
affect as much as 50 percent of plants if not
caught, he said.
“The calls I’m getting are ones where
stinkbugs are present in high numbers across
whole fields, not just in isolated spots,” he said.
“Because plants are small, the stinkbug toxin is
more effective. So 10 to 20 days after emergence,
we’re seeing twisted plants and holes
across leaves with yellow borders, indicating
stinkbugs. Plants are dying now and tillers are
coming up.”
Tillers resulting from insect damage often become
weeds and can cause yield loss by crowding
healthy plants and sucking soil nutrients,
Bailey said.
“You need to get rid of stinkbugs because high
numbers now will stay high even as corn grows
towards ear production,” he said. “If it gets
cooler, they will just be closer to the ground and
harder to find.”
Stinkbugs are often found close to the ground,
near the base of corn plants. “You should treat
if more than 3 percent of your plants are damaged,
or if you’re close to the economic threshold
of one or more stinkbugs per linear foot of
Bean leaf beetles and white-margined burrower
bugs are damaging soybean. The burrower
bug nymphs resemble stinkbugs and are
causing plants to wilt and die, Bailey said.
“The nymphs have a black head and bright
fire-engine red body,” he said. “They often reside
under crop and weed stubble. You may see soybeans
in poor shape, and if you look under the
plant, you’ll see them feeding. They may be up
higher on the plant, but if you can’t see them,
look low.”
True armyworms have been found on wheat in
southwest Missouri, with some cutting heads.
“Where this was found, it was limited to less
than a county area,” Bailey said. “As the wheat
dries down, this will become less and less because
they only like wheat when it’s green.”
Japanese beetles, currently scattered in
smaller numbers around Missouri, may soon be
a significant threat.
“They’re coming into their own, raising their
little metallic heads,” Kirk said. “Over a couple
days, 620 were caught in Mississippi County.
There have been reports from southern Illinois
where numbers are already very high. This tells
us they’re coming in and coming strong, and
they’re moving this way.” Δ
Corn earworm larva
and corn ear damage.
Photo: (Lee Jenkins Slide Collection)