Corn Stalk Integrity And Lodging Are Important Issues
Many farmers have made
good progress on corn
harvest. Quite a few of
the producers have reported
good but variable yields. Corn
standability and lodging have
been an important issue in
some locations.
Corn stalk integrity is an interesting
subject. Growers want as much yield
as possible, and good hybrids remobilize nutrients
and move those nutrients from the stalk
and leaves into the grain. Those same growers
also want that corn hybrid to stand well into
harvest. As is often the case, a compromise is
usually necessary.
If corn lodging is significant, it is important to
identify the reason or reasons. The first assessment
should be the location of the problem. Did
the corn lodge because of stalk breakage, or did
roots give way and the plant lodged intact? If the
stalk broke, where did it break – near ground
level, below the ear, or above the ear? What are
the clues that help you solve the problem?
Stalk rot pathogens are certainly to blame for
some problems. Examine the stalks for rot,
decay and discoloration. Early examination of
fields can help prevent most harvest losses. Inspection
prior to harvest by pushing laterally on
stalks and squeezing stalks with your fingertips
provides useful information. Always select hybrids
with good stalk rot resistance that perform
well in your area.
Corn borers can create serious stalk strength
issues. Both the European corn borer and the
Southwestern corn borer are potential problems
in most of Southern Illinois. Most growers have
used corn borer resistant hybrids (Bt) to minimize
this insect problem.
Soil fertility, especially nutrient balance and
potassium nutrition, affect corn standability. An
imbalance of high N and P and low K may be the
worst case scenario for corn lodging. Always try
to keep nutrients both balanced and at the recommended
or maintenance levels.
Late planting also has implications on corn
standability. Late corn is generally taller and
greener corn that will intercept more wind. High
ear placement on some hybrids also creates a
higher center of gravity that is more difficult to
support in stress situations.
Finally, we must admit that certain weather
events may be more than our crops can endure.
If Hurricane Ike brought 5 inches of rain and 70
mph winds to your farm, you probably observed
some corn lodging. Change and improve the
lodging factors that are under your control. Δ