Resistance Of Corn To Aspergillus Flavus Kernel Infection And Aflatoxin Contamination
W. Paul Williams
Brien Henry
Leigh Hawkins
Aflatoxins, which are produced by the fungus
Aspergillus flavus, are a chronic problem for
corn producers in the southeastern United
States. These toxins are some of the most potent
carcinogens produced in nature and are a major
cause of liver cancer in humans. Initially, aflatoxin
contamination of corn grain was only considered
a post-harvest problem. However, field
studies in 1971 and 1972 established aflatoxin
contamination as a preharvest problem in corn.
Historically, major aflatoxin epidemics in corn
occurred in the southeastern United States in
1977 and 1998. The U. S. Food and Drug Administration
limits the sale of grain with aflatoxin
levels exceeding 20 parts per billion (ppb).
Grain exceeding 20 ppb cannot be shipped
across state lines and can only be used for livestock
feed. Countries in the European Union
commonly have more stringent requirements for
aflatoxin levels in imported corn. Aflatoxin contaminated
grain also presents a problem for the
ethanol industry. Aflatoxin becomes more concentrated
during the fermentation process which
could make the spent grain unsuitable for livestock
Environmental conditions associated with aflatoxin
contamination include higher than normal
temperatures during the silking/pollination period,
low levels of rainfall, high night time temperatures,
and high net evaporation rates.
Insects are also associated with aflatoxin contamination.
Ear feeding insects vector A. flavus
spores into developing ears and provide entry
points for the fungus at feeding sites on the kernels.
Although insects have been reported to increase
A. flavus infection, the most agreed upon
mode of entry of A. flavus into developing corn
ears is via the silks. Fungal spores produced
from overwintering resting structures are disseminated
by air currents and insects. Once
these spores are deposited on susceptible silks,
the spores germinate, and the fungus colonizes
the silk tissue and grows down in to the ear.
Fungal movement down the ear may be at a
rapid rate at high temperatures (> 93oF).
Preharvest contamination of corn grain with
aflatoxin can be prevented to some extent by implementing
sound agronomic practices which
limit stress to the crop. Timely planting, adequate
fertility, good weed and insect control,
supplemental irrigation, suitable plant population,
and hybrid selection should help reduce
the formation of aflatoxin in developing ears.
Plant resistance is generally considered the best
method for controlling A. flavus infection and
subsequent aflatoxin contamination of corn
grain. At this time, no commercial corn hybrids
are available that are resistant to A. flavus kernel
infection or aflatoxin contamination.
The USDA-ARS Corn Host Plant Resistance Research
Unit is located at Mississippi State University
and conducts research on the aflatoxin
problem on corn. The Unit has research projects
with ARS and university cooperators in North
Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. Our research
goals are to develop agronomically superior
germplasm lines with resistance to aflatoxin
accumulation, southwestern corn borer, fall
armyworm, and corn earworm. Combining resistance
to insect damage with resistance to aflatoxin
contamination should provide added
protection to the crop. Since aflatoxin contamination
is sporadic from year to year, initial research
efforts by the Unit were concentrated on
developing inoculation techniques to uniformly
infect corn ears with A. flavus. This led to the development
of the side-needle and spray techniques
that can uniformly infect plants with A.
flavus spores. Once artificial inoculation techniques
were developed, we were able to identify
corn genotypes with resistance to A. flavus kernel
infection and aflatoxin contamination.
Through the use of conventional breeding techniques,
our research unit has released four
germplasm lines (Mp313E, Mp420, Mp715, and
Mp717) that contain some of the highest levels of
aflatoxin resistance that have been identified.
We have also recently made progress in the area
of insect resistance. Germplasm line Mp716 was
released as a source of resistance to southwestern
corn borer and fall armyworm. When plants
in the field were infested with southwestern corn
borer, hybrids with Mp716 as a parent suppressed
aflatoxin contamination. We are also in
the process of identifying molecular markers
that are associated with aflatoxin resistance. An
analysis of the mapping population Mp313E ×
B73 identified quantitative trait loci (QTL) on
chromosomes 2 and 4 of Mp313E that contributed
significantly to reduced aflatoxin contamination.
An analysis of the population Mp717
× NC300 identified three additional QTL on chromosomes
1, 5, and 10 associated with reduced
aflatoxin. Both Mp717 and NC300 contributed
to aflatoxin resistance. Our research unit has cooperated
with commercial seed companies to
evaluate experimental hybrids for aflatoxin resistance.
Hybrids developed from our germplasm
by these companies were found to have significantly
lower aflatoxin levels than currently available
commercial corn hybrids. These joint efforts
with the seed industry will expedite the production
of commercial corn hybrids with aflatoxin
resistance. Δ