First Results From The Illinois Soil Nitrogen Monitoring Project
The first results from a project to sample soil
this fall to see how the dry growing season
and low corn yields affected nitrogen levels
are now available, said University of Illinois crop
sciences professor Emerson Nafziger.
One of the reasons for conducting the study
was to see how much nitrogen is in the soil now
to estimate the likely nitrogen loss over the winter
and early spring.
“November was relatively dry in Illinois, and
there have been few reports of tile lines running,”
he said. “Now that soils have cooled
down, the nitrogen, mostly in the form of nitrate,
that is in fields most likely will stay in the
soil until and unless tile lines run, when we can
expect some of it to exit in tile drainage water.”
The second reason was to estimate how much
nitrogen is available to next year’s crop, especially
if corn is planted in the same fields.
“It’s typical for some loss to take place if we
have normal precipitation from fall to early
spring, but if this winter is dry, some of the nitrogen
there now should be available for next
year’s crop,” Nafziger explained. “We can’t know
how much will be there in the spring without
taking soil samples at that time, preferably close
to planting.”
Many people volunteered to take samples. Participants
were asked to take 0- to 1-foot and 1-
to 2-foot samples at a single site. Site information,
including how much nitrogen had been applied
in 2012 and what the yield was, was sent
with the samples, which were tested for both nitrate
and ammonium. About 130 sites have
been sampled to date in the U of I part of this
Nearly all of the samples were taken following
corn in 2012, many from fields where 2012
yields were low due to dry weather. Previous
sampling work, while not as comprehensive as
this study, has typically shown nitrate-N levels
of less than 10 ppm.
Although a large number of samples came
from central Illinois, there was a good distribution
from east to west. Average nitrate-N levels
in the top foot of soil were 26, 16, and 18 ppm
in northern, central, and southern Illinois, respectively,
and ranged from near zero to 89
ppm. The 89 ppm sample, from a field in the
northern part of the state with a reported yield
of 175 bushels per acre, was the only one with
a value above 50 ppm and is probably an outlier.
The data from the sampled fields reflect the
dry growing conditions over much of the state
in 2012. Some of the fields in southern Illinois
yielded little or nothing, while several fields in
central and northern Illinois yielded from 180 to
200 bushels per acre.
Average nitrate-N levels in the 12- to 24-inch
samples were 16, 12, and 18 ppm in northern,
central, and southern Illinois, respectively.
These values are as high as those in the top foot
of soil in southern Illinois and not much less
than in the top foot in central Illinois.
The weighted average of nitrate-N in the top 2
feet of all fields sampled was 136 pounds of nitrogen
per acre. Nafziger said that, while the
sampled fields probably do not accurately represent
all fields in Illinois, 12 million acres of
corn with 136 pounds of nitrogen in the top 2
feet indicates that some 800,000 tons of “labile”
(able to move and be taken up by plants) nitrogen
are in Illinois fields now.
As expected when water limits yields, the
amount of nitrogen used in a field did not seem
to affect its corn yield. A few fields with very
high nitrogen rates had low yields. The association
between the amount of nitrogen applied
and the amount present in the fall was, however,
not strong. Low yields were not associated
with high amounts of leftover nitrogen.
Finally, nitrogen removal in the grain was estimated
by subtracting 0.75 pounds of nitrogen
per bushel from the amount of nitrogen applied
as fertilizer. The results were not helpful for predicting
the amount of remaining nitrogen.
How can it be that the combination of low
yields due to dry conditions and high application
rates of nitrogen fertilizer seem unrelated
to the amount of soil nitrogen found after the
“This shows how complex the nitrogen interactions
are in the soil,” Nafziger said. “In a year
such as 2012, there is little nitrogen loss, uptake
ends early as the crop stops taking up
water, and fall rainfall can produce new flushes
of mineralized nitrogen long after crop uptake
stops. We think that soil moisture was the main
factor determining both yield and the amount of
nitrogen in the soil and that these two factors
had independent effects in the tough year that
was 2012.”
Nafziger hopes that fields sampled this fall can
be sampled in the spring of 2013 to see how
much nitrogen remains. Where corn in 2013
will follow corn in 2012, nitrate-N present at
planting should be available to the 2013 crop
unless high loss conditions prevail after planting.
The Council for Best Management Practices
provided funding for this project. Δ