Fall Sown Annuals Offer Options For High Quality Forage Production Says MU Extension Specialist
Now is the time to make plans concerning the establishment of annual forage crops according to Ted Probert, dairy specialist with University of Missouri Extension.
“Fall sown annuals offer a number of benefits and can fit a niche on livestock farms providing high-quality forage for grazing or stored harvest,” said Probert.
Annuals are useful in extending the grazing season into late fall and early winter and can also provide the earliest available spring grazing. Additionally, Probert says some winter annual crops can be harvested and used as stored forage in the form of hay, balage or silage.
Annuals are useful as emergency forage sources, smother crops in renovation programs or as a permanent ongoing facet of a quality forage program. Late August and September is the preferred time for the establishment of these crops.
“They offer the opportunity to take advantage of double cropping, increase total farm productivity and provide high-quality feed for livestock,” said Probert.
Small grains including wheat, rye, triticale and oats are old standbys for annual forage production. Wheat, rye and triticale are all useful in grazing systems, but their growth patterns and productivity are somewhat different. These differences should be considered when choosing the crop for a given situation.
Cereal rye will produce more pasture during late fall and early winter than wheat.
Rye also produces the earliest pasture available in springtime beating other forages by as much as two to three weeks. Grazing provided by rye will also subside at an earlier date than is the case with other small grains. High-quality grazing will be on the downturn by May.
“Wheat is another option for fall and spring grazing. Total dry matter yield may not be as high as with rye and grazing will be available as early in the spring. Wheat will provide pasture later in the spring than will rye,” said Probert.
Triticale is a high producing small grain crop that will fall between wheat and rye in terms of maturity and earliness of spring grazing.
Oats offer an interesting option for fall establishment. According to Probert, oats are not cold hardy and are traditionally considered a spring crop in Missouri.
“Oats do provide an excellent opportunity as an emergency forage crop when sewn in early fall providing as much as two tons of dry matter before frost. They will not survive through the winter; therefore need to be utilized before the season’s onset,” said Probert.
Another species to consider for winter annual grass production is annual ryegrass. Annual ryegrass, when sewn early, will provide at least one grazing before winter.
“Ryegrass is not as early as cereal rye regarding spring grazing but will usually start growth earlier than most perennial pasture species. The production timeframe for ryegrass is longer than for most other winter annual grasses with grazing availability extending into June,” said Probert.
If a farm feed situation dictates the need for a forage crop that will establish and grow to a harvestable stage quickly brassicas should be considered. Brassica species include turnips, rape, kale, swedes and hybrid crosses of these species. The most popular of these for late summer establishment are turnips or some of the earlier maturing hybrids.
Shorter season brassicas can be grazed in as little as 50 to 70 days after seeding. Brassicas are relatively low in establishment (seed) cost and high in nutrient content. Crude protein content of 16 percent to 20 percent while they percent of dry matter digestibility ranging from the mid-80s to 90 is common.
“Brassicas are not tolerant of freezing temperatures. Growth accumulated during the fall should be utilized prior to the first hard freeze,” said Probert.
While it is possible to harvest and ensile brassicas they are best used by grazing. Probert says care should be taken in variety selection for late summer seedings due to variation in time to maturity. ∆